Category: Computing
No such thing as a free lunch, or a set schedule.
My adoring public need me tomorrow at noon. So my weekend gets to be split up. I hate doing splits, they hurt… Speaking of work …
Just when I switch to FireFox I find this out…
So this isn’t looking very good for FireFox users… Mozilla has announced a new Extension API for Firefox browser called ‘WebExtensions‘ that is compatible with …
Time for a new browser
Seamonkey has been pissing me off lately with a couple bugs. When I watch a video for the first time and want to adjust the …
Fedora is dead, long live CentOS
I decided to give CentOS a try, and so far I haven’t had any issues or regrets. If I can’t find anything I can easily …
Yesterday was a good day.
Woke up yesterday to an auction for a laptop, unfortunately I lost… Decided to shake it off and wander into town to do some errands. …
Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades
It seems I’ve found someone who wants to buy a gaming laptop, so I spent the entire night researching a worthy upgrade. I looked between …
Let the butthurt begin: XBox Live will be free for PC gamers on Windows 10
Yep, that’s not a typo. Microsoft is making XBox Live a free thing for Windows 10 users. Now, it may seem unfair that the XBox …
Post Valentines Day Open Thread
I didn’t really celebrate Valentines Day this year, much like the other years. I spent it with friends and family which is always nice. I …
If you’re on Linux/Unix/Mac you might want to watch out for “ShellShock”
Friend of mine linked this in our mumble chat this morning. It’s an exploit found in nix systems that lets people remotely take control of …