Open Thread
We’re building a family entertainment PC to store movies, videos and games. Tonight I streamed games from my desktop to it and maaaan it was …
We’re building a family entertainment PC to store movies, videos and games. Tonight I streamed games from my desktop to it and maaaan it was …
Well I think I figured out my black out issue. I don’t think it was the video card after all. Forcing Windows 7 to see …
Updated to the latest kernal under Fedora 20 this morning only to have more grief happen. I lost communication in mumble (everything turned horribly autotuned) …
So I decided to upgrade from Fedora 19 to Fedora 20, so far the only problem seems to be related to my video drivers (everything …
Not much to report. Been working, experimenting with streaming/linux/hardware/etc. I’m planning to also upgrade to Fedora 20 for the hell of it since reinstalling Linux …
My projects during my weekend included finishing Bioshock Infinite and srcds server attention. Basically that consisted of checking in on the servers I haven’t been …
Normally January is a terrible month for work since most of the spending was done between Black Friday and Christmas Eve. Ever since the start …
Of course that’s pretty much why I upgraded. 😛 Handles Tomb Raider and Shadow Warrior like a champ. Even improved my frame rate in Serious …
My R9 290 should be arriving tomorrow afternoon/early evening. So I’ll probably be occupied playing with it in benchmarks and graphically intense games that were …
Well I received a message (FINALLY) regarding why my payment for my R9 290 hasn’t cleared. Turns out they ran out and I’ve been put …