>Postcard from DorK

Some of you may remember that I started the DorK diaries awhile back. Sadly around that time DorK went away. I often worried about him, however… Today I got a postcard from him. Apparently he decided to take a trip to the continent to visit some old friends.

I kinda miss having him around the blog… He was fun entertainment. Speak of the devil, did anyone see this?


DarK DorK wrote:
Uru is NOT Second Life or There or any number of other alternate reality reality games … (you heard me!)

Please consider your idea/suggestion etc in relation to these types of games before posting.

Uru does not need many of the features/ideas from these games.

If you are going to be suggesting we add a feature from these games, please go play Second life or There, as the feature you will be suggesting is a core feature of that game.

Second Life || There != Uru

This has been a public service announcement for the sake of sanity!

He represents sanity? We’re boned…

You know, he could think of it in a more positive light. He could build that goat pen age he always wanted!!!

Just kidding. The British like sheep. You can tell because he hangs around the MOUL forum. Wink