Today’s Watermelon Sighting Brought To You By Okami
Not much to write. Played a bit of Okami tonight and came across a very important item. I was reading a thread over on the …
Not much to write. Played a bit of Okami tonight and came across a very important item. I was reading a thread over on the …
I’ve had a hard time trying to escape the Metal Gear universe lately. I’ve managed to get pulled back into MGSV, and beforehand I was …
It’s a bit different for me to see an Easter Egg like this: I managed to press a little further into MGSV. Found a weapon …
It’s been 4 years since anything has surfaced regarding Serious Sam 4, now we have a teaser showing us how serious they were the entire …
After yesterdays unhealthy gaming pattern I broke out and did something completely different; I returned to NieR Automata and hack, slashed and hacked my way …
Deciding to take a break from The Phantom Pain in my butthole (not a Chuck Tingle novel) I wanted to return to a couple other …
I’ve been trying my darndest to complete a Mother Base side-op that involves shooting a bunch of dummies, but so far I can only find …
These haven’t been confirmed for PC or anything outside the PS4, but I imagine if they’re releasing the Crash Bandicoot trilogy on PC there’s a …
I’m impressed. I did a side-op where I didn’t set any alarms off AND managed to abduct a new victim for Mother Base. Just had …
This is what happens when you raise enough hell and vote with your own feet. Shadow Of War will be getting free updates, one of them …