Sunday Morning Open Thread

Surprisingly I got off work early yesterday (Saturday) which is strange for a Labor Day. My guess is that the old people are saving their money for Tuesday when senior raisin day takes place.

I played some TF2 and DMC tonight and even checked out a cool program called Mumble. Surprisingly no one seems to mumble, peoples voices come through loud and clear. I had fun using it, though now my vocal chords are now trying to recover from the excessive use I put them through… heh. But it was great.

After today I decided I will not be releasing a review for this week. Mostly due to a lack of serious goofing off and lacking proper sleep the last couple of days. However I think I have something else in store for the week. I’ll just have to go through my files.

Saturday Open Thread

Decided to experiment in the kitchen today. Green curry with zucchini over rice and some India Spice chai to wash it down.  On another note my L4D2 server died again (thanks Valve) and I have no idea what to do. It’s coredumping nonstop and I can’t seem to find anyone else having issues with their servers. This shit annoys me, especially since last night I wanted to play it… So instead I opted for Serious Sam HD, where I killed Santa.

Saturday Night Open Thread

The first thing I did today when I came home was read the internet to see if everyone was behaving. Then I plopped on the bed and passed out. On a promising note, it looks like I’ll be re-entering swing shift this Friday. So you’ll see me once on Tuesday evening and then on thurs and fri.

I’ve been reading at the thinking with portals website. I’m thinking of reviewing Portal/Portal 2 maps/campaigns sometime in the near future. Would be a nice change of scenery and since I am reviewing things in core form it would make sense anyway. I’m also using this as an excuse to not review “The Woods 2”.

And now I love Japan even more

Went through my really stupid shit feed and came across this golden nugget on teh interwebz:


For realzies. Whether I’m playing scavenge or versus or campaign, the JP players just don’t want to play. They are content with just setting up a tent at the chapter spawn and just chilling. It’s ing annoying as . I haven’t gotten into a decent server since I got this game. It’s like this that makes me regret moving here.

The funny part is that I actually like chill people over the anal retentive twats that like to play the game one way and one way only. I mean come on, I play the game the way it was intended AND otherwise. Seriously, you might as well play it on a console if you’re going to be close minded.

Meanwhile, in the digital realm.

Well, the good news is that the server updates weren’t the problem (regarding the dedicated servers randomly dying). It turns out to be one of the network cards in the server itself. Luckily we had a spare in there or we’d be up shit creek without a paddle. Will be looking into getting a spare in the meantime.

Still on the topic of dedicated servers I’m also looking into webhosting so that I can mirror TF2 mp3’s (among other things) to make logging into the server faster for everyone. Ever since I installed the endround music mod I’ve noticed that we have been chewing up a healthy amount of bandwidth.

Oh, and tonight I finally finished my review of “The Woods”. This episode will be even shorter than the last one. But don’t worry, it won’t be boring…