Category: Gaming
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Everything was cool last night. Work went well, there was Chinese takeout when I got home, I made raspberry custard for dessert, and I kicked …
Practically bedridden the last two days.
Well my first day off was pretty calm, but from Wednesday Afternoon till this evening I was pretty much out of it. I feel a …
Early Morning Open Thread
Well, things were really exciting last night. I had two people in one of my fitting rooms try to get intimate with each other… They …
Early Morning Open Thread
Tonight I generated some nav files for some awesome TF2 maps. I decided I wanted to go for an Egyptian theme tonight for a good …
Cleaned out my closet (in the most non sexual way possible)
Getting some shit together for a yard sale. So I decided to go through my closet today and got rid of tons of stuff that …
Do I feel lucky?
So I decided to do something different and check out another server tonight. I think something was wrong with it. There were no bots there …
Early Morning Open Thread
Had some strange overcast yesterday while walking. Weather was nice otherwise. I even had a different meow friend say hi to me. I ran some …
Early Morning Open Thread
Tonight I decided to make some velvet corn soup. Believe it or not it’s a Chinese recipe from one of my Time magazine cookbooks. You’d …
Early Morning Open Thread
So I made the mouse a little heavier tonight and lowered the DPi for sniping purposes, seems to help me a bit with my trigger …