Category: Gaming
Early Morning Open Thread
Sigh… I know I should be filming stuff. Yet I’ve been addicted to TF2. Hmmmmm…
Aperture Science Repulsion Chowder
Best way to describe what we had for dinner tonight. The abalone had the texture of shoe leather. If you dropped apiece on the table …
Oh this is too good.
Taken from Kotaku: In Manhattan’s Greenwich Village neighborhood sits Alamo, a giant cube sculpture by Tony Rosenthal which dates back to 1967. The artwork, a.ka. …
Open Thread
Got the laptop most of the way done. After work I’ll finish it up the rest of the way after I get off of work …
YCDTOXB Season finale
The final episode of the first season can be found here. Already working on season 2 somewhat. I’ll post updates as needed. Podcasts will still …
Latest Super Admin Episode
I released the latest Super Admin Episode here. It’s pretty short this week. Next week I’ll have a review hopefully.