Category: Gaming
Takin’ charge.
After 2 days off in a row I feel refreshed. Even better I go back in at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon so I’ll be able to …
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Surprisingly I got off work early yesterday (Saturday) which is strange for a Labor Day. My guess is that the old people are saving their …
2 videos on the 2nd of September!
If you go on over to SNews right now you’ll not only see the latest YCDTOXB, you’ll see the first episode of The Engine Room! …
New review is up! This week s review is done in Serious Sam HD.
Saturday Open Thread
Decided to experiment in the kitchen today. Green curry with zucchini over rice and some India Spice chai to wash it down. On another note …
Killing some time.
Played some L4D1 tonight, then decided to go into Serious Sam HD on a server in France. here’s some footage:
Saturday Night Open Thread
The first thing I did today when I came home was read the internet to see if everyone was behaving. Then I plopped on the …