The Steam Boy Is The Steam Deck
I. Fucking. Want. This. They have the Steam Deck in three different storage sizes, and for the most part the hardware is pretty solid. It …
I. Fucking. Want. This. They have the Steam Deck in three different storage sizes, and for the most part the hardware is pretty solid. It …
I didn’t get to tackle the video much tonight; all I was able to start on was the credit layout. I had a few other …
I’ve made it to the final chapter in Kiwami, now I’m just wandering around Kamurocho looking for missing side stories, and of course the occasional …
If you ever want to play this on 120hz and up you just need to do the following: Go to Steam and right click on …
Tonight felt like a good night for a little DOOM and carnage; after a long week with verbally abusive assholes it felt as necessary as …
As a little reward to myself for finishing up the last bit of After Effects production I advanced in one of my fave Japanese Soap …
Instead I went back to Yakuza 0. 😛 I haven’t touched it since last month, and I wanted to get back into punchy beaty up …
It’s the weekend! I did a little tidying/rearranging, made a good breakfast, and had a long Yakuza session! I even had a small private audience! …
Have you ever been so tired at the end of the day that you end up staring into space, and you want to do something …