Embrace The Sentai
Today was a day for recovering my own personal stamina, and part of that was just relaxing and continuing my adventures in Yakuza: Like A …
Today was a day for recovering my own personal stamina, and part of that was just relaxing and continuing my adventures in Yakuza: Like A …
Decided to play a little Spyro to finish off the evening; I’m still in the Beast Maker’s World, and I only need to complete Metalhead …
The Serious Sam 4 Workshop has a decent amount of mods to choose from, unfortunately when I tried to play modded co-op tonight the game …
I’m starting another playthrough of Serious Sam 4 just to see how well it performs with my 6800XT, and aside from the glitching during cutscenes …
Since I’ve pretty much been on R&R I couldn’t do my typical weekend brunch post, and I’ve pretty much been taking it easy still. Been …
My original plan was to do a livestream tonight (had a lot of fun on Twitch last week and wanted to continue!), but with current …
I haven’t played a game since my last livestream, and my neck/shoulder/hand still hasn’t let up. Fortunately, Yakuza: Like a Dragon doesn’t require a bunch …
I decided to try one of the many games I haven’t touched in my library, and my magical dartboard of destiny landed on Ghost 1.0, …
Today was a definate decompression day. I made myself a Chinese brunch, washed my bedding, and played Japanese games under Linux for the fun therapeutic …
It’s nice to see people having a good time modding the newly released Resident Evil: Village.