You Got Team Fortress 2 In My Serious Sam!
I wanted to start this weekend with some silliness. Yutram and I went onto one of the Serious Sam Workshops (Fusion 2017 specifically) and decided …
I wanted to start this weekend with some silliness. Yutram and I went onto one of the Serious Sam Workshops (Fusion 2017 specifically) and decided …
I sat down today and put some time aside to fix my Skyrim on the new laptop. My new ROG has a 144hz G Sync …
I took a little time aside to play a bit of the Resident Evil 2 remake. I’m almost an hour and a half in but …
Right… this is a thing. As RPS report, the game’s latest update has introduced an odd new feature for some players, where every time a …
Went into Skyrim today for project reasons. I installed a greenscreen and I need it for an upcoming video project. On my short trek into …
Last night we decided to finish the Commander Lillith DLC for Borderlands 2. I opted to stream only to Twitch due to copyright bots. So …
With all of the website tweaking and email server shenanigans I’ve been wrapped up in I haven’t had much time to really play anything lately. …
My new portable monster arrived today. Unlike my recent return I’m really impressed with it! I already tested a few games on it this evening …
Did more prepping in SFM tonight; I even exported a scene! I also went through and cut down the audio down a bit, now it’s …
Played Soul Calibur VI with Yutram tonight, with me hosting it over Remote Play. Other than some controller spazzing on Yutram’s side (either that or …