Great to see one of my picts, Vance Creek, in print!

Yays! I got this picture in the Pierce College Student Literary Magazine, SLAM!  Mine is the first photograph in the magazine, so that was an honor too!

And most of the other students that had submissions were art students or English students.  Didn’t see anyone from the accounting department there, imagine that lol!  So it was an interdepartmental experience today lol!

We had an hour-long event with some authors reading their poetry.  It was a fun time!

I also ran into a gal that I went to high school with, and she had two of her paintings in SLAM!  I said hi to her and had a nice chat and such, so that was fun!

I can see from the entries that did make it into the magazine that the judges are looking less for nature photos and more for ‘artistic’ sort of photographs (or is that artsy-fartsy?  Probably artsy-farty lol)

I might try submitting this photo of heather in the middle of the Puyallup Campus of Pierce College for next year’s SLAM:

Or perhaps not, we’ll see.  I might try taking a few pictures with the idea of submitting them, too,  since the next deadline is months away – Yay!!!!!  Or maybe not since I’m slack!!!! Wheeees!!!

Have funz everyone!!!!

Returning to pootube primetime.

I haven’t made many game videos in well over a month. I actually had a plan for one just a couple days ago. With my machine being more than ready for this plus with plenty of hard disc space it’s time for me to get off my arse and start making videos again.  I already drew out my blueprints for it. I don’t want to say much, but this will be a long project for me and it will be a gmod music video.

>Project status

11/30/10 Built audio source.
11/30/10 Parsed audio.
11/30/10 Built .vcd files.
11/30/10 2 .dem files recorded and compiled as .avi
Next scene: Create walking to door vcd
11/30/10 Built walking scene using AI instead
11/30/10 Added new .avi of walking scene from 1 .dem file
11/30/10 Built new audio sequence
11/30/10 Built 2 new .vcd sequences
11/30/10 Edited 1 .vcd file (Altered .wav file)
11/30/10 Created 2 direct FRAPS recordings
11/30/10 Created 2 new .vcd sequences
11/30/10 Record 1 new .dem file
11/30/10 Edit 1 .vcd file (Altered look data)
Next task: Combine footage
12/1/10 Combined everything up to running from door laughing.

>Open Thread

Last night I actually had a good evening at work. Came home and tried a new soap made of natural oils and sandalwood. Made a sweet rolled Japanese omelet and finished off the rest of my imitation crab with some sushi rice.

Last night Ivan_Fookinov and I were trying to play a serious round of Left 4 Dead 2 when a couple of n00bs came in. We were nice to them, hell everyone has to start somewhere. But I knew it was going to be a long campaign when the first question was “How do i pick up things?”. Things went rather well, at least until the finale came. Everyone got raped. This is why you either train in singleplayer before a match or with a friend. Oh well, Yutram came in and it turned into a total admin match. Between him and I gnomes were everywhere, tanks and witches ran rampant, Francis chargers were there to rape, the Nick Hunters were bouncing in the special gravity. It was all good fun.

>Arts, farts and crafts.

I haven’t blogged about arts and crafts in awhile. So I thought I’d share this.


Princess Barbie gave it to me a long time ago. It didn’t have anything around the V-Neck so I added the charms by hand, some with glue and some with some basic hand sewing.


The blue bead is a bunny (sewn when I was 17). It seemed like a good idea at the time. In a way it was like sewing the past onto clothing.

>We’re back!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Not only are our usual servers back up, but we have more of them than before with space to spare! We have:

Left 4 Dead 1

Left 4 Dead 2

Team Fortress 2

Half Life 2 Deathmatch

The servers are modded, but modifications can only be seen when revealed by an admin. Even funnier an admin doesn’t have to be in game to screw with you (the console is my friend). Admins are:






The forum is up (though a bit buggy at the index page) and the servers are set to pubic errrrr I mean public! No need to be a slacker to play. All non asshats are welcome. 😀

Have fun and enjoy!