Open Thread
I don’t have much to report. Work was ok today, and I’ve been working on the next YCDTOXB. I finally have my external hard drive …
I don’t have much to report. Work was ok today, and I’ve been working on the next YCDTOXB. I finally have my external hard drive …
Well, today I decided to spend a good chunk of the day rearranging my desks and cleaning up in general. Nothing too heavy but I …
I felt really ill after returning home yesterday afternoon. So I did get an afternoon nap in after all. Then when I felt better I …
Yesterday I was in a whole other world. I made some rice noodle soup and Bengal spiced chai for my sweet tooth, then 2 pots …
It seems while on vacation I decided to take a slight break from blogging among other things I normally do. In fact I’m not sure …
On yet another day of my awesome vacation I got my hair done. Now it looks presentable again… Just the traditional trim and recoloring. Made …
I spent my sleeping time mostly tossing and turning like a Tasmanian devil. Getting home from work just to make dinner and go straight to …
Well, with a bunch of time cramming and dealing with a bunch of crashes (in premiere pro) I finished the episode. I’ll encode it tomorrow …
I don’t have much to write. Work was ok, came home and worked on my next episode. Ate, showered, the usual. I’ll see you guys …
Today I spent most of my time tidying things up a bit. Then I looked into a few maps for a game that is not …