Soooo I had an almost pants shitting experience… during my lunch break the other day I checked my email only to discover that my website(s) have been deactivated due to a malware attack. :rick: Imagine having to mentally process this while being stuck a mile away from being able to do a fucking thing. :zorak: Eventually when I did get home I went through the malware scan provided by my webhost, backed off all of my files is, deleted everything, installed a fresh version of WordPress via FTP and got a hold of BlueHost to scan my server and give me the go ahead to go back online. I cleaned out the infected files in my blog install (I only had 4) and as you can see I’m up and running again with all of my posts and settings in check. Other blogs that I run through this domain will be following suit, with my brother being the next one to deploy. Fortunately it only added three files to his install, and I didn’t have to edit any lines.

Once that is taken care of I’ll have a lot of catching up to do on not just blogging, but all of the other shit I put off to try and fix this. I guess it’s another blessing I got those new hard drives. I’ll be planning to make backups more frequently. Setting the blog back up was easier this time around.

I may have more good news too; I found my old database holding my old posts among other things, and I may be able to recover those and make my blog whole again. I’ll experiment on a test site to see if I can get it to work, but if I can that would make me really happy.

Late Night Open Thread

I’ve restored balance to the website(s), we once again have new SSL certificates and I don’t have to worry about them for another three months. It turns out they don’t auto renew, I had to delete them and have them regenerate new ones which is why you can now browse the site without it telling you that it’s a compromised site… weeeeee.

Resuming basic shenanigan protocols. :zorak:

Happy Valentines Day! (Open Thread)

I’ve added back the “Friends Of The Overlord” menu linking to friend blogs plus did a little more tweaking. There are some bugs I’m not sure about, like the emoticon list vanishing behind the footer for example. Other than that I think things are coming along nicely, hopefully I’ll be able to start blogging semi-normally again. Speaking of emoticons I’ll need to add those back in. Gotta have those melons! I’m also thinking about a background image, any suggestions are welcome.

I hope everyone is having a great valentines day. Having a day off to rest and get some tidying done was plenty for me. I also kicked back and read some of my cookbooks to get an idea for what to make for dinner on Friday, thinking of doing Thai, been awhile since I’ve made anything Asian… and it’s been a few days since I’ve done any gaming. I might have to treat myself to something before climbing into bed if I can resolve to stop tinkering with the fucking website. That in itself can turn into a game…

Rearranging the digital furniture

After doing some research I’ve decided to pull the Steam profile plugin for the blog; the plugin hasn’t been touched in about three years, and the author said that in order for it to work on https sites it would have to be completely overhauled. So that’ll have to be retired along with some other plugins that have issues over https…

I’ll keep adding/removing and changing things as I go. With fewer widgets I may have to look into playing with the overall appearance again. Might do more tomorrow if I’m not completely stunned. I came home today and basically passed out for a few hours, still feel a bit out of it. Like I could sleep for an entire 24 hrs if I wanted to.

I’m baaaaack.

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been down for awhile with only my own stupidity to blame. I won’t go into full detail, but the summary was basically me wanting to switch some of my sites over to https, and while doing so moving my blog from one subdomain to the other. Somewhere along the line I accidentally deleted my website. Fortunately I backed up most of my website, like the entire folder and an XML file containing all of my posts, tags, categories etc. But something must have gone wrong during the xml backup, as when I tried to import everything it would stop at February of last year, so in other words my blog hated 2017 almost as much as I did. Probably saw my last post about that one deportation story and just died on the spot thinking of anything going beyond that point.

So if things seem out of place that’s why. I’m still piecing things back together, need to redo my emoticons and other stuff, but the blog is now back at a point I can share it publicly. Oh yeah, and welcome to the new URL.

By the way, I’m aware that the Steam widget on the left isn’t displaying pictures. This is because I’ve switched the site from http to https, and anything linking non secured images (such as that Steam Widget) are affected by this. I’m leaving it for now, but if I can’t find a solution in the code I’ll have to retire it.

Some Blog Changes

With the help of my friends I recolored the website. It’s a new year and rather than get a new theme right now I’d rather stick with this one and give it a new color scheme. Another change that I did was make it so no one can comment on threads older than 31 days. If you have anything you want to say, say it in a thread within 31 days.

This is what happens when you give your blog sentience.

My RSS feed informed me that I made a new video post… Oh well, that’s better than the other day when I had that giant barrage of posts. O_o Again, I apologize for that…

So, to go into full detail I’ve implemented an auto poster that detects whenever I make a youtube upload. It also imports old videos. It’s supposed to only upload the main page of my YouTube channel, but for some reason it decided to randomly post “Big and Tiny Terror”.

Now that I’ve given my blog sentience I’m hoping it doesn’t pull a Drunken Robot Pornography on me and try to destroy the world. Although the explosions would be pretty cool.