Busy day is busy

Worked a lot of freight today, helped a lot of people, got home, worked on doctors website, ate, worked on doctors website, rinse, repeat… Man I’m tired. 😛

I know, not much of a post… I actually do have some stuff to write about but WordPress kept me busy for the remainder of my day, I’ll try tomorrow if I’m not entirely comatose. Fortunately I got most of the tedious work done, now I just have to focus on theme searching. I already have a few examples downloaded, probably play with them when I get off work tomorrow.

Sunday Open Thread

Yesterday my alarm failed me, resulting in me becoming a ninja popping out of bed and into my work clothes. Lucky for me I keep all my stuff within easy reach. The day itself was a typical busy Friday. I went in an hour early because there was quite a bit of freight to work. I managed to get it all done and put away properly though. 😛

I notice vintage things are going back in fashion. I’ve been seeing tape cassettes and old style telephones (the kind with the old spin dial) with silver bling, and even a selection of USB powered record players. I’ve been joking at work that I should keep Win 3.11 on the system just so we can keep this nostalgia feel. 😛

Despite the hectic day I made it home. There was even brunch!

May the storm bring forth the stupid

last night there was Thunder and Lightning while I was sleeping, it woke me in the middle of the night and gave me a weird dream I’ll have to divulge in a particular circle at some point. But on another note I think some of that stormy weather brought out the weird folk. I had to deal with a guy who claimed to be a homeless businessman who wanted to launch a new type of business where people could learn anything for free, ANYTHING! I won’t go into the full story because talking to him was like dealing with a man with 23 snakes in his mouth, and I’ve been called in to work on my day off tomorrow and I need sleep. But felt the need to write something up to get the annoyance out of my system. I’m sure if you catch up with me at some point I can give you the details on the whole score. I had to laugh that he didn’t know me at all and wanted me to design him a website… that day, for an entire $10 an hour… I actually make more than that now. He was also suspicious of me because I stayed mostly quiet while he spoke. He was unsure if I even knew what encryption was.

Oh well, I’ll save the rest of the story for another time.

Things are getting creepy again.

Work has been keeping me pretty busy. On the brightside I had an actual weekend where I spent most of the first day in bed playing and chatting with friends (online you pervs). I would of had another day off today but I covered a sick call. On the brightside I get asked more in advance these days since my new job switch, they can’t do last minute scheduling with me which means I have more consistency and control over my job.

I’ve been getting some freaks these last couple of days. One of which, an old coot who has been pursuing me for the last nine years even after being told numerous times I’d like to be left alone… He stopped for a couple years but seems to be trying his shit again. He found out that I work mornings now and next thing I know he’s trying to talk to some of my co-workers about me and even showed up yesterday loitering next to some bluetooth speakers, giving me the “please come talk to me” look… pathetic. This is the same guy that tried to give me gifts years ago and even a letter about how I reminded him of a lover who died in his arms… I’ve been on alert again telling people what’s been going on and even giving a history lesson.

At least today I didn’t see him. Instead I had another old guy who apparently recognized me from another job, though I didn’t recognize him. He wanted to know what my job was and when he found out he was rather disapproving, because he knew a lady who lifted heavy things down at the docks with her husband. Apparently she broke two of her vertebrae and became a heroine addict… Not sure where he was going with that story. Then he started telling me about how he recently found out that he had a 24 year old son and began mouthing off about his “bitch cunt wife”, because for some reason some people seem to think that people like me are paid to listen to them… I found someone off by the TV’s that “looked” like they needed help. So I kept asking if this asshat needed any other help, and he kept prattling on… I said the same thing about 5 times while pointing that I needed to leave, I needed to leave NOW. All he did was apologize if he offended me and continued talking. Finally I told him to have a good day and walked off. Then he started speaking loudly to me about crushed vertebrae. He followed me over to the other customer and stared at us for 30 seconds, then left… I’m glad I have a midnight shift. I’ll only have to deal with the public for an hour and a half tomorrow.

When I get old I hope I’ll still have a life. Because if I end up like any of these people I think I’d rather be put out of my misery.

Happy Stupid Day

Today wasn’t one of my better days. I broke down all my freight and things were going well, that was until the store opened. It’s geriatric discount day and everyone came into shop. My first customer bought a prepaid cellphone card, and in Oregon we have a 911 tax, 75 cents goes to the state to fund 911 calls since less and less people are using landlines and moving to cellphones. And this customer was bitching about how he shouldn’t have to pay this tax because he never needs to call 911… Kinda makes me wish there was a program where you need to signup just in case you need to use 911, and if you don’t signup for it then you can’t dial it with your phone. Then on the off chance where they need to call 911 and can’t then we can at least say we’re thinning the herd.

Then I had to help a bitchy lady with a camera purchase. She wanted me to pick out the SD card for her because she didn’t understand how storage capacity works. She literally told me in her own words “Please do my thinking for me.” Then she also wanted me to pull out the camera, put the batteries in and the SD card before buying it… My boss gave me the ok to do so, so I did. And I may have “accidentally” set the SD card to read only mode. :v

I also had to activate a phone for someone and help another who didn’t know how to turn his phone on because apparently the red button where it said “PWR” alluded him. But they were much nicer so I took the time to help them, even though reading instructions was too hard for them. Everyone else was actually quite pleasant. And my bosses didn’t get on my case about not getting the freight finished or put away, probably because I looked like I was going to beat someone with a wii controller. Or shove a selfie stick up someones arse. That would actually be a good use of one now that I think about it. A selfie AND a colonoscopy all in one? That could be marketable!

Oh and on the ride home we almost got hit by another dumbshit’s car because he was too busy looking in another direction while swerving behind us. They looked to be about my age so they weren’t senile, just fucking dumb. There were lots of dumb people today. Dumb dumb dumb.

I’d have gone to sleep by now but needed a bite to eat and needed to take out a bit of my rage in Elder Scrolls Online. I escaped Cold Harbour and made it to the world of the living near a ship. I made my character a Khajit Sorcerer. It’s been pretty fun so far, but it’ll take some getting used to. This isn’t like Skyrim where I can live out my random fantasy of being a khajit tailed cyberninja with dragon wings, troll moons, pogo hammers and anything else that could feed my absurd imagination. But it certainly did bring back good feelings like I used to have in Uru when I still had a warm happy feeling for that game. I’ll need to get back to it. ESO that is… People seem to be friendlier there.

Evening Open Thread

Next week I start my new line of work. To celebrate my promotion I decided to buy myself a Steam Controller. I’m estimated to get it by December 10th, so it’ll be a nice early Christmas present to myself. Oh god, I have to think about Christmas… and surviving Black Friday. Fuck. Thanksgiving is somewhere in there too.

Speaking of new devices I also decided to order a new gaming mouse. Mine is starting to show it’s age by randomly double clicking on it’s own. So I decided to grab one of these.

I already have it’s wireless cousin the G602, which I use between my laptop and the HTPC. I like the overall feel of it. Plus it has extra macro buttons. So I’m looking forward to test driving it. 😀

Promotion is in motion.

I found out today that our freight person got demoted, which I’m surprised actually happened. I figured it would be happening at some point but this was pretty soon. He wasn’t a bad person, but he couldn’t keep self motivated. In fact he slept a lot when left alone, or he would do something stupid like take some adhesive tags and fashion them into armor… Since I’ve worked freight before and covered for this guy while he was on vacation they have found that I do a real bang up job, self motivated and efficient. I’ll be completely taking that position in a week or so. It’ll take some adjusting but I’ll find some way to manage. I’m usually up at those hours anyway, except I’m goofing off instead. 😛

Looks like I’ll be needing a weekly supply of gatorade for the road ahead. It’s a thirsty job and I needz my electrolytes.

Back to work Open Thread

Came back from vacation yesterday, looks like they missed me… quite a bit. It was a busy day, we were pretty swamped up until I had to leave. In fact some customers didn’t even leave until right when the store closed. I couldn’t even drop the cash registers until after the store closed, usually we have it done 5 minutes til… On the brightside I didn’t get any asshole customers, but it seems like everyone else did.

Ok I’m awake now

So this blog and I have had one thing in common for the last few days… We’ve both been pretty dead. I took over a freight position for someone who has been on vacation. It’s actually been going rather smoothly, but when I get home I have next to no energy which is in part due to having to work mornings instead of swing shifts. So it feels like all I’ve been doing is working, going home, sleeping, waking up, eat and play a bit, go back to sleep, wake up and get ready for work, go home, sleep, wake up, sleep again etc etc. Hell, last night I was playing Skyrim, went afk to get something and next thing I realize I fell asleep in my chair with my character spinning around in Markarth. O_o I have one more day of it and things will go back to normal.

If the job ever came to be available I’d probably go for it though, freight in electronics isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I mean I’m not much of a morning person but I could find ways to adjust. In fact I’ve been getting praised and told that I’m better than the actual freight guy.

No such thing as a free lunch, or a set schedule.

My adoring public need me tomorrow at noon. So my weekend gets to be split up. I hate doing splits, they hurt…

Speaking of work I guess I don’t really talk about it that much anymore. Mostly because it’s pretty laid back compared to every other job that I’ve had. Tonight we had a 9pm release for a couple games; Gears of War and Madden 15. I think we only had two people show up. :v

We’ve also been selling a bunch of small TV’s. I wish we earned commissions because the paychecks would look a lot more nice.

I guess if I had to complain about anything tonight it would be this one guy that frequently comes in. He’s the kind of guy that wants you to literally hold his hand through anything. He’ll just look at the device he buys and throw his hands in the air because it confuses him too much.

He wanted to downgrade his laptop from Windows 10 to Windows 8 because Skype isn’t working properly, in fact he brought his laptop in the other day because he wanted us to solve the problem for him. We confirmed that his audio device was working properly and told him that it was something with Skype itself and gave him suggestions on what to do. So he came in tonight and wanted someone to downgrade it for him. My co-worker who was acting as superior tonight decided to start the downgrade about an hour and 45 minutes before the store closed. It took forever… It had a 1.5 GHZ dual core processor and 4 GB of RAM and the drive was mechanical, not an SSD. He left the laptop with us, and I’m pretty sure that’s not allowed considering that as far as I’m aware he didn’t even buy the laptop from us… and I’m not even sure why my co-worker decided to do this. I hope he doesn’t get in trouble. I wouldn’t have even rolled the system back. I would have just told him to go online and search for instructions on how to do a rollback. Oh wait… I did tell him to do that the other day when he brought it in. I guess reading is too hard.

Hopefully the rollback goes ok. I’ve been reading up on Windows 10 and rollbacks and it hasn’t really been going as smoothly as planned. Needless to say I’m going to distance myself from this situation as much as possible. It’s pretty cheap of people to come in and expect us to do computer maintenance for free. If you bought the computer from us that’s one thing. But otherwise it isn’t something we are being paid for, and you’re an idiot if you think you’re special enough to warrant our help. No thank you, we don’t get paid neeeearly enough to put up with that bullshit.