Cleaned out my closet (in the most non sexual way possible)

Cleaned out my closet (in the most non sexual way possible)

Getting some shit together for a yard sale. So I decided to go through my closet today and got rid of tons of stuff that I either hardly ever used or never unboxed. Looks a lot better in there now I have to say. I also pulled out my lava lamp and put it by the bed. I’ll move the other lamp which I usually have over there to my desktop.

Weather was unusually nice. I say unusually because I’ve come to expect it to suck epically. I did manage to oversleep a bit though due to the extra bit of TF2 I put in last night. Tonight I decided to do a little TF2 with lots of audiosurf. That game is real fun when you’re in the mood for music.

So, I think when I get up I’ll get right into emptying out the stuff I keep under the bed. I’ve been meaning to for quite awhile now.

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Melon Seed
October 1, 2012 12:51 pm

pack rat lol