Current Mood: Japan

Current Mood: Japan

Could you pass the wasabi?

I’ve been having a pretty zen weekend. Made some Miso soup, tamago, some rice with a rice seasoning I got for Christmas, and I also blended some yogurt and more of that monkfruit and matcha with some greek yogurt and added nuts and the homemade cherry sauce on top. It was so filling I was able to skip lunch, though that was also due to sleeping in. 😛 I had a really tiring week, and I have a feeling next week might be moreso.

I played a bit of Mark Of The Ninja (Remastered), and I have to say that I like it so far. Sadly I have no pictures of my own, but basically its a sidescrolling stealth platformer entirely in 2D with fairly decent animated 2D cutscenes. The voice acting isn’t what I would call great, but this is an indie title, and the gameplay so far makes up for it. I also progressed further into Soul Calibur VI, though I mainly did side fights. Came across someone jealous of my anal beads.

Other than that I did some online shopping for some new PJ’s and have always had a mug of green tea in one form or another, at my side the entire day. I’m thinking tomorrow I’ll make some more Japanese breakfast; followed by making tea and yogurt parfaits for the following work day(s). I actually made a nice cherry green tea one the other day but forgot to share it, had a nice color blend between the matcha and the cherry syrup.

Now if you’ll excuse me… I’m being lulled away by the scent of cherry blossoms and watermelons. :melon: Hopefully I’ll continue to come out the other side unscathed.