Detective Adam strikes again.

Detective Adam strikes again.

I don’t know if all of you heard about the latest Bahro incident.

But here’s a short version of what happened. Someone went around as a Bahro, got enough attention to get it posted on the forum and YouTube. Adam finds out who it is and explains how he knows including deleted data from their KI. PLUS finds all of his alternate aliases, INCLUDING RandMiller and Hitler. What a combo…

Then I clicked this and laughed:

My statement on this whole situation, is the following:
Yes i did run around as a Bahro in the city.
Yes i did it a few times.
But after i talked to certain persons for some time, i told them that i would stop it.
and i did.
dunno what else to say.
so..uuuh yeah..posting PERSONAL pictures from our KI is a no-no..

Yes, posting an asshat’s information documenting their own stupidity is just flat out wrong, but running around as a bahro, Rand and Hitler to be an attention whore of a sockpuppet is perfectly ok!