Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
Driving and texting surpasses drinking and driving deaths.

Driving and texting surpasses drinking and driving deaths.

I’m sorry, but what the hell is with people who value texting over their own well being? Seriously, look at this study.

Texting while driving has now replaced drunk driving as the number one cause of teenage deaths on the road in the U.S., new research has found.

The study, performed by the Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New York, found that more than 300,000 teens are injured and more than 3,000 die each year as a result of sending SMS messages while behind the wheel.

My state has outlawed using a phone while driving, but it’s rarely ever enforced (around town anyway). I just don’t see what the big deal is about needing to text at all times. Day in and day out I see people texting while driving, walking, grocery shopping while pushing a cart (if I could count the amount of times I’ve been bruised because of these fuckwads), pushing baby strollers, hell even riding on a bike. Today I saw a little 5 year old girl in the neighborhood. She was trying to ride her bike and talk on a smartphone at the same time. I see teenagers around town doing the same thing. :roll:

I have to ask, are these called smartphones because they’re more intelligent than the majority using them? They might want to relabel.