Early Morning Open Thread

Early Morning Open Thread

Twas a cold winter feeling day yesterday. Stayed in and had more earl grey whilst playing with peoples Portal 2 workshop contributions (single player only) if you didn’t notice my stats. Equally good and bad stuff, some of it might be film worthy, but maybe for other stuff.

I talked with my friends, and we all agreed. I got rid of the SNews blog. It wasn’t getting any traffic, people hardly post on it these days (aside from myself) and I figured if I was the only one posting the most then I might as well pull everything over to this blog. While I was at it I removed the antisocial network (as that was mostly a drunken test to start with). Oh well, it was fun while it lasted at least. 🙂

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Melon Seed
November 10, 2012 11:12 am

it was mainly the botts using the anti network,,and me lol