G-g-g-g-ghost boulders!

G-g-g-g-ghost boulders!

It has been a long work week, I think tomorrow I’ll have a chillaxin’ Sunday. Just make the day up as I go. I played a little bit of Betrayal earlier under Linux, just to do something a little fun before tearing into an animation project. It’s playable, but certain areas have strange rendering issues. Like the large rocks will sometimes turn into ghost boulders, or random sparkly rocks. Running it on ultimate seems to hinder performance in areas with lots of trees, don’t remember that happening on Windows. I did get further in the game than last time… I think I might want to stream this one at some point, so I won’t go into much detail about the game; other than maybe to say its a first person shooter of sorts, and its a little trippy.

I spent a good chunk of time animating a back and forth scene with Yutram and myself. Took a couple hours to get it the way I liked it. I might continue on it again tomorrow, but it might be awhile. I have some other things I’m thinking of doing first.