I almost feel human.

I almost feel human.

I can breathe, I can pop my ears, it’s great! Still coughing up a bit but not too bad. I bought some hot ghost pepper salsa to clear the ol sinuses and cry man tears. Shit is so awesome.

Oh, and I took the homestuck character quiz I found. Apparently I’m Dave Strider.

You are Dave Strider
You are Dave Strider
Take Which Homestuck character are you? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Personality Test Generator.

Dave has a lot of outward confidence and acts very aloof, but in reality he is much different. He has trouble showing his emotions and because of this he has trouble connecting with his friends. His confidence is also empty – he is all talk. He keeps up this image of coolness and is quite good at it, but once the cracks in his facade show, and his true immature-13-year-kid self is revealed, it is easy to see how insecure he is – he constantly calls John lame and stupid, but in reality idolizes how brave he is. Rose is one of the people who has Dave figured out, and because of this, he feels rather antsy around her because he knows she can see right through him into his insecurity.