Took some of my aggression out in DOOM Eternal tonight. It seemed like a good way to enjoy myself, even if I was getting my ass handed to me about every five minutes. I’m playing on Hurt Me Plenty mode, and it’s actually hard compared to DOOM 2016. But I am making it through different sections, slowly but surely. The last time I played Eternal it was back in November; I wonder how long before I play it again? 😛 It’s time to move onto a different game. I’m not sure which one yet, but I have a few ideas. That’s the nice thing about having a big library, you’ll never go bored. 😛
Still need to finish Doom 2016 but when you can sit down and play it, shoot up some demons and listen to a real dark, heavy synthwave playlist you’re having a good time. 🙂
The final round is a bit of a bitch (at least on Hurt Me Plenty). Everyone at work gave up on trying to finish it because of how it’s all structured, I guess it didn’t translate over to Controllers all that well? Oh well. More demons for me to kill I guess…