I thought the older were wiser

I thought the older were wiser

I’m not sure what it is, but my last couple of work days have been a bit more interesting than usual. On Sunday I had a lady that didn’t know what the word “simplistic” meant, and yesterday I had another lady that didn’t know what a “commercial” was. Both ladies were at least in their mid to late 50’s, and native English speakers.

Here’s what happened on Sunday: I helped a lady who wanted to find a Windows 10 compatible mouse, and I told her that all the mice we sold were simplistic to install, she interrupts me and asks me “What does simplistic mean? Does it mean it’s simple?” I wanted to pull a mirror out of my pocket, have her look into it and tell her “No, I’m talking about you…” But other than that she was a nice person, but strange… She wanted to know if I knew the tax rates of all other 49 states because, you know, that’s something that I should know right? Turns out she lived in California and wanted to buy a steam gift card to get Stardew Valley for herself. More power to her, but she kept asking me math questions to try and get me to confirm answers for her…

Of course that was much more pleasant than the other lady. She was an all out total bitchface. She wanted to buy a TV, and she was looking at the commercials playing on all the TV’s assuming that what was on the TV had something to do with it… it was a commercial for Uncharted 4. I explained that to her and then she said “WHAT IS A COMMERCIAL?” Which threw me the fuck off because how can you not know? Especially since I’m pretty sure she was around when the first commercial was invented… So I explained it to her, telling her that it’s an advertisement for a Playstation 4 game “Oh, well I don’t want that.”. Already I was missing the Stardew lady… When did words like “Simplistic” and “Commercial” become too scary and confusing for people? Son of a bitch… No wonder Donald Trump won the GOP. I’m a fucking thesaurus compared to Mr “I’m good at words”.

Oh well, on the same day Stardew lady needed help I did help a friendly gay couple choose between Star Wars Battlefront and Fallout 4 by telling them that it was “Skyrim With Guns”, and we all laughed. So maybe there is still some hope for humanity…