I’m either a psychic or a psycho… or both

I’m either a psychic or a psycho… or both

As predicted I was asked to put my vacation off for a week or two… imagine that. Guess this means I’ll be spending my birthday at work. Not that it matters, since most places are closed anyway due to the pandemic; having to do the job of three people for the price of one is probably the best birthday gift you can get in America. /sarcasm

I’m going to play things by ear, but I may end up having to postpone the site move until I know I can set some time aside. I want at least two days off in a row to pull the plug, setup the email server, do evil things on it, and then focus on WordPresses.

I’m thinking I’ll try to put back in for my time off again for early May. My muscles really need a break, and my sanity meter is running near E from the amount of stupidity I’m forced to endure everyday so that I can continue existing.

I’m sorry if this has all been more depressing lately, but  it’s been difficult to find time to really enjoy things lately. I’ll try to make something a little more lighthearted tomorrow, but no promises.