I’m going to say something I never thought I would ever have to say…

I’m going to say something I never thought I would ever have to say…

Someone mistook me for Justin Bieber… Seriously, I’m not joking.

Ok, it was a five year old girl that thought I was Justin Bieber, but still! It’s fucking crazy!

So I decided to have my lunch outside today, and there was this mother and her two little girls. I was getting prepped, had my controller plugged in and was ready to get started, headphones were in the proper position. Then one of them walks up and asks me a question that strangely sounds like “Are you Justin Bieber?”. So I took my headphones off and looked over at her “Pardon?” I ask politely. Then she repeats it, “Are you Justin Bieber?” and she’s got a huge smile on her face. The only thing going through my head at that moment was “….the fuck?” So I smile, and I look at her and say in a soft voice “Why yes… I am.” and she lets out a huge squee and starts singing his songs. Which at that point I put my headphones back on to drown out the noise.

The mom kept calling her and the other one back over and over again, and they didn’t listen. The mom was too huge to walk, in fact it took all of the energy in the world for her to stand in that one particular spot bitching about a late taxi.

So, that was the highlight of my day. To make it even weirder I wore a red kimono top and black pants. Also, I know my hair is shorter now, but it isn’t a Bieber cut. I’ve been getting all kinds of strange remarks regarding it (mostly about how it makes me look much older and more mature because, you know… hair decides that I guess.) but this? This is… different?

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Melon Seed
September 10, 2014 8:56 am

The secret has been found out! You’re Justin Bieber! Don’t you dare to deny it:P