In Other News: People are still morons

In Other News: People are still morons

I’m starting to think people are losing the meaning behind the word “emergency”. It isn’t an emergency if your favorite fast food joint runs out of chicken. It isn’t an emergency if facebook is down (and in many cases it’s probably a blessing). It isn’t an emergency if your jello has gone missing. And it CERTAINLY isn’t an emergency that PlayStation Network is down.


What happened to going to the website to see what the problem is? Or using a search engine? I never would have thought about calling 911 if say for example Steam went down.

Damn we have really let ourselves go…

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Melon Seed
December 31, 2014 8:20 am

Yo face :0

Aaron Ingebrigtsen (@Krepta3000)
Melon Seed
December 31, 2014 5:11 pm

So true, my friend. So very true. I get really tired of dealing with morons, and there seem to be a LOT on Facebook. Guess how many people don’t know that anything times 0 is 0. I wish I could say that number, of Adults mind you, is 0, but that would be Way Off!