It was only a matter of time.

It was only a matter of time. … highlight=

lzoetje wrote: Lag and crashes and stack errors have happened to me around every 15-30 minutes. Annoying to donate to a game that keeps me out because of hacking jokers, that likely pay nothing. It’s a slap in the face to the story line of the game and yes I realize Skydivers go beyond bounds but to a degree it is for the exploration of areas that interests. Not to make a circus.

Anyone else sick of the lowering quality of gameplay? Like the ppl that care about the game and not coming to make a mess then leaving in a few months?

Am i wrong about the effects? This has been ever since the public event.


Yes… Lag and stack dumps never existed before all the hacking.


Veralun wrote: Lag, crashes and stack errors are as old as MOUL is.
Several threads are about these issues. Often it is something on the client side.
I noticed you did describe this problem before
The problems you do have are not caused by the “illusions and special effects”. See RAWA’s post
The other instances of the Cavern are unaltered for those who do not like this “circus”.
Instead of fingerpointing to the “hacking jokers” it was better to make a post in the Technical section, to see if your problem could be resolved.
The reactions following on the first post are understandable. But we do not like to see discussions like this, so I will lock this thread.

Please feel free to open a new thread about problems with lag, crashes and stack errors.


Who is he and what did he do with the real veralun? O_o