It’s been dead here, and I’ve felt dead in RL.

It’s been dead here, and I’ve felt dead in RL.

I had plans to run errands on my two days off. Things like tidy up a bit, futz around with the servers some more, set some important appointments. Then all of a sudden I get hit hard by allergies transformed into a sinus infection, lovely stuff.

Since I’ve been sitting upright I’ve felt better. My nose does feel a tad warm but I’m not running a fever or anything. I have more energy tonight too, but should get to bed soon anyway since I have 6 days of work to look forward to before I can get two days off… Oh well, gotta take these 40 hour work weeks while I still can. Maybe after my hours go back to the usual small ones I’ll take a week or two off.

So I’ve gotten sucked into the world of homestuck finally. Which might not have been wise since last night during my psychotic sinus infected dreaming I kept seeing homestuck characters whenever my eyes closed and entered the dream world. Speaking of homestuck there is a gmod addon you can download from the Steam Workshop that lets you play as your favorite character and even customize it to wear whatever is available. Last night on my gmod server I was running around as Jade with cat ears, a blue tail and a purple suit with a cape. Looked pretty badass. I think I might do a review on the playset and what it comes with. Some sweet stuff right there.

Oh, and I’ve ordered some more cookbooks to add to my international collection of food secrets (that are not so secret). France, Russia, Africa and Scandinavia (Yes DG, I’m gonna do mad science with your cuisine. FEAR ME). If I can find more I’ll get them. There is a specific type I want to get produced by Time Life magazine. They’re called Foods Of The World and not only share interesting recipes but also give insight into the cultures they derive from as well.

Speaking of food I’m contemplating bringing something to eat to work or purchasing some chicken soup when I go to lunch. I think I’ll go for the soup for obvious reasons…