Keepin’ busy

Keepin’ busy

So far my first official week in my new line of work has been rather smooth, other than my new boss doesn’t really know how to communicate well… but that’s ok because almost every boss I’ve had so far has also suffered from The Peter Principal. I’ve also been buying new things to replace old things I’ve thrown out, getting rid of things I haven’t used in forever. Feels like a good reboot to me. 😀

I’ve also been rearranging my room, something I haven’t done in forever. Started on that last night by removing a furniture piece that I no longer need. After moving stuff around and a lot of scrapes and sweat and wrestling with an old mirror/dresser I got it all looking proper. I’ll still need to rearrange little things like nik naks and other small stuff, but overall I have a good layout. I’m also working on a little side project for later on in the year when Halloween rolls around. Fun stuff!

At some point I’ll need to sit down and write some emails and thank you’s plus other errands that need doing. I’ve been meaning to do that but damn, time has been hard to find lately.