Microsoft is fascinated by that Steam thing

Microsoft is fascinated by that Steam thing

Microsoft’s attempt to get people into their Applesque walled garden hasn’t exactly worked as well as they planned. So Spenser saying this would only make sense:

“I look at Steam today, it’s on an incredible growth trajectory,”

Yeah, and you guys don’t own it in any way, shape or form. Bet you guys are really kicking yourselves in the ass over that.

“It’s a massive force in gaming; a positive force. I think it will be bigger a year from now than it is today. And five years later it will still be bigger again. I look at Valve as an important [independent software vendor] for us on Windows. They are a critical part of gaming’s success on Windows. I don’t think Valve’s hurt by not having our first-party games in their store right now. They’re doing incredibly well. We will ship games on Steam again.”

Translation: You guys totally hate GFWL 2.0, so we’re going to get you guys to buy our products on Steam.

Nevertheless I an intrigued, how is Microsoft going to go about this? And what MS requirements will they hook into a Steam version of whatever the hell it is they want to sell? After all Ubi and some Origin games call for accounts, nothing is stopping Microsoft…