My moment of zen

My moment of zen

Well, I did a livestream tonight… which kinda flopped. For whatever reason the Borderlands games don’t seem to like me recording from my GPU, though I did finally fine tune a workaround using OBS and an NDI plugin on another computer to get that to work. Then I discovered going over it after the stream that I only had my audio recording… So that was all a waste. -_- Oh well, at least I had fun blowing shit up. I can offer you cat pics instead:

It was a pretty zen day all around. The weather was nice, I woke up and didn’t move right away, made a ramen bowl, had an afternoon nap. Managed to snap some pictures of da boys as you can see. I even got a bit of Morty footage that I may put up at a later date. 😀 He was on my bed purring his head off, he loves sunny spots.

I’ve also added more photos to the pet gallery, as well as added a couple new galleries in case you didn’t see them at the bottom of the page.