Off To A Good Start

With the help of two friends, they helped me get things started in Blender tonight! The model I’m working on has bones that are slightly off, so we’ve been focusing on correcting them starting with one of the hands. I probably won’t have any images to share for awhile, at least until I have a successfully ported model to show off, but things are at least moving in the right direction. It was fun to learn something new, and why knows? If I become good at it I might make even more nightmarish creations… but first I’ll need to focus on un-nightmaring the current project.

Not sure how long it’ll take me to get to the finish line, maybe a week or two? I don’t want to jinx it. If I keep a slow pace I should be ok though. Will try to find other things to blog about, preferably with images or videos, preferably after a good night’s sleep after being up for almost 24 hours.