Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
Oh god I’m still awake…

Oh god I’m still awake…

Damn you TF2 for keeping me up late! Actually, it helped me get out some aggression. I found out tonight that two of our co-workers are getting laid off due to lack of hours to give. According to our boss the company is allowing 700 hours for the whole department, but our store manager says that’s too many and that we can only use 500. Which means for some reason we have to lose two extra people and become even more horribly understaffed.

On top of that a long time co-worker is retiring soon. She was originally going to stay longer because our boss said she was needed, but then she changed her mind again when her hours were cut too. Obviously she wasn’t needed that much…

I talked with her a bit during my lunch tonight. Since I’m going to be on the national healthcare plan I’m contemplating looking for other places to work. Since I don’t depend on them for insurance anymore and I wouldn’t even be able to qualify due to the lack of hours given to me (I have to have 24 or more in a work week or it gets lost. Lately I’m lucky if I can even get 20), so I’m thinking if things don’t get better (which they probably won’t) I’ll look for other places in town to work. I just need to keep an eye out for openings.