>Ok, maybe this isn’t a bot.

It posted again.

Assbot: Stronzo, stronzo di merda I’m trying to take a nap but I couldn’t sleep overnight because of you Ugh, you really hurted me, Ohhhh you really hurt me When I was high, You called me an asshole? Talk to me fai schifo Pezzo di merda Have you ever been trying to take a nap? My heart beats too fast Because I’m thinking of your fucking ugly face You you suck
Fai schifo Pezzo di merda Fai proprio schifo Vafanculo, ah Stronzo bastardo.

And now I’m bored… I think this’ll be the last one I post unless you can find a good reason for me to give a flying fuck about anything you have to say.

Jeez man, go blow a goat.

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Tsar Hoikas
Melon Seed
November 17, 2009 7:11 pm

I can punch this into the translator! Look at me, ma, I'm da shwiz!