The Mind Of OverlordTomala

SFM Diary: All Through The Night

All Aboard The Party Bus!

I’m nearing the end for the main staging scenes. There’s only clean up left to do, and then I’ll be able to finally do some rendering! I still need to stage one more scene, but I’ll come back to it when I finally figure out a few details. It feels like I’m getting near the end, but I know there’s still more to be completed. I will at least have a lot of rendering to do, and that will help warm the house a little.

Next Stop: The Isle Of Sleep.

Fancy Parfait Is Fancy

Yesterday when I wasn’t feeling well I opted for a safe Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal, it was a good comfort food on a cold day. It was even colder this morning, but I had a craving for all things fruit. It’s not like me to have a yogurt parfait during my weekend, mainly in due part to bringing these to work on a regular basis. However unlike my work parfaits I can be a little more creative, and not be restricted by rules of portability. I pureed a bunch of different frozen fruits together; in this case I used red dragon fruit, peach, mango, pineapple, and blueberries with some honey and coconut milk. I was originally going to make it into a breakfast shake, but there was enough in the pitcher that I couldn’t have finished it all. So I made it part of a yogurt parfait, a mix of vanilla greek yogurt, chopped kiwi, the dragon fruit mixture, more vanilla yogurt and topped with cherry granola, mandarin oranges and honey. It felt almost like dessert!

It was packed with plenty of healthy swag that I think it helped me get through a more eventful day off. I finally had enough energy to get my care packages finalized for shipping! 😀 You’re first Florida! :v

I found out that I might be off for Valentines Day this year. I’m not sure why but I’m already contemplating a Valentines Breakfast to make for myself, gotta spoil yourself sometimes. 😛 Last year I made a portable chocolate themed breakfast parfait with candies and the whole shebang. If I’m staying home this year I’d want to do something nice, that would put me in a good mood to a start of my weekend. I’ll have plenty of time to think about it.

Trying A Few New Games

My first day off is usually spent as a decompression day for proper recharge. I even tried a few games I got as gifts over the holidays. I played a bit of BPM: Bullets Per Minute, an indie game where you have to shoot to the beat of the music (fun and challenging), The Wonderful 101 Featuring Fun Grade A Platinum Campiness, and Borderlands 3 with Yutram.

So far it feels like Borderlands 2 but with a slightly more modern interface, and you can climb much like you can in the newer DOOM games. We both had a good time, despite coming into contact with Claptrap and Vaughn… ugh.

Regardless I think I’ll have enough energy to get some things worked out tomorrow, assuming that I’m feeling well enough to do any moving around tomorrow. I’ve been fighting pain all throughout the day, but at least the motion sickness has subsided.

Weekend Open Thread

I know I haven’t posted much lately; That’s in part due to work, work, fatigue from work, and not feeling well (nothing to do with being busy). I’m taking it easy this evening, even managed to progress a little in Trine, it was the only game I could think of that wouldn’t make me motion sick. In fact now that I think about it I haven’t even really played anything since last weekend’s TF2 romp. Heck, I haven’t even had time to break out my portable gaming machine at work, might have to make up for it a bit tomorrow. :v

I’ll hopefully be back up to speed either tomorrow or the next. I just feel like the moment my head hits the pillow I’ll explode into sleep.

SFM Diary: Moving Forward


I ended up doing some animation smoothing tonight instead of finishing the last bit of the scene. I need to talk a detail over with a friend regarding how to handle the ending. The ideas are pretty much drawn out, but I need to have a little powwow on something before I can roll out the final stage (for this part of the project anyway). I’ll continue trudging on it tomorrow, after earning some rest points.

Evening Open Thread

I had a very productive weekend! My remaining Christmas presents that I ordered back in November/December FINALLY arrived! I pretty much have everything ready to go, but I’ll need to get a couple new shipping boxes. One is too small and the other one was claimed by our kitties. I also had some time to play a little TF2 yesterday!

It had been so long since I’ve played TF2 that I forgot what button it was to change classes (sad… I know) and I accidentally summoned Monoculus! At least I know that Admin plugin still works… It was a fun romp, we’ll have to do it again sometime. 🙂

I also wrapped up some more animation today! I’m going to work on animating one more scene tomorrow, and then I’ll finally get to progress into tweaking and smoothing all the animations I’ve done for all of these cutscenes. I might actually be able to do some SFM rendering later on in the week! Maybe I’ll finally be able to release something in a month or two. 😛

From Vegetarian To Meaty

I like my breakfast to have a side of science.

Today was one of my busier day’s off. I had to take care of a few things around the house, and I made a different breakfast to counter the last couple of bacontastic ones. I made a Chinese style Frittata with a spicy gingery oyster sauce, brown rice and some yogurt and mandarins to counter the sick burns that awesomesauce leaves.

Almost vegan… almost.

The Frittata is packed with all kinds of vegetables; like an entire shredded carrot, bean sprouts, green onion, mushrooms, chopped spinach, and some chicken broth for extra flavour. I didn’t use a single bit of cheese on this breakfast, which is a rarity when it comes to omelettes and frittatas (at least for me). I ended up liking it a lot more than I thought I would. It isn’t everyday that I think about putting carrots into eggs, and I’m actually not a big fan of carrot, but I’ve found if I shred it I can tolerate it more than whole. The best part is that I’ll have leftovers for the next few days. 😛 I’ll be able to bring questionable homemade food to work for the old unimaginative old biddies to awkwardly glare upon.


There’s an optional sauce you can make that consists of oyster sauce, chili garlic sauce, sambal oelek, or sriraccha sauce. I added some ginger to mine for a little more zing, and almost everything I put ginger into seems to amplify the flavour factor. But if you’re lazy any sauce will do.

Look it’s food!

I tried another food lifehack; slow cooking Mongolian beef! I made a Mongolian beef sauce and added some sliced sirloin into the crock-pot along with some bell peppers and mushrooms and let it all mingle for about 6 hours. I stir fried some snowpeas and carrots with more of the bean sprouts from this morning; everyone seemed to love it. The meat was melt in your mouth delicious, and the best part was that little effort had to go into it, get some meat, veggies, sauce and just let it do its flavour-thang. I’ll have to consider more crock-pot related ideas down the road, especially for those busy work nights. I’m finding that I’m having to cook more, and on some nights I feel like I barely get to sit down.

Returning To Dank Souls


I wanted to get back into Dark Souls, didn’t get very far the last time I played… and tonight it wasn’t that much different, definitely not from a lack of trying tho. My previous character was a little fuckey, so I ended up having to begin with a fresh character.

I kept getting my ass handed to me by these Karen ghosts. Every time I tried running this path I did make it further each time, but I’ll probably have to watch a video on how to get past these ghostly bitches.


Right, this happened.

I did discover another path this time, and I actually made it to another bonfire! Next time I return to the game it’ll be nice to explore some newer terrirory, and hopefully I’ll actually be able to progress further… and possibly avoid all of the Karens.

Curry In My Favour

Curried Rice with Moroccan seasoned chicken sounded good tonight. It warmed up the house and made for a pleasant aroma. I bought some chicken tenders and pretty much just used different seasonings, there was no recipe followed here it just tasted really good. I’ve also been looking up recipes for the weekend, planning to do some more Asian shenanigans to fuel that nerd energy. I’m thinking either Japanese or Chinese.