I’m having issues getting a plugin called BuddyPress to work properly; it installs without any errors, but if I try to load the activity page, or any page that comes with BuddyPress it doesn’t load properly. It might be an issue with javascripting according to a couple places I’ve read. Sadly I’ll have to shelve this for another day.
On the bright side I did get the last of the personal blogs transferred over tonight. I’m thinking of trying to animate some more stuff tomorrow, on another project that feels like it’s taking an eternity and a half…. it’ll be worth it though when I finally release it one of these months.
Sorry for not posting much lately; I pretty much collapsed the moment my weekend started (which sadly ends tonight). I became guardian of the toilet paper about a week ago… Why? Because people are insane now. Locally people have been stealing toilet paper from cars in parking lots and shopping carts. We even have customers hiding guns on them to make sure no one steals their toilet paper! I honestly don’t know which one is more pathetic. Stealing fucking toilet paper, or shooting someone for stealing your toilet paper in an area where nearby people could potentially be shot… I don’t see anything bad happening in any of these situations whatsoever.
Is it bad that I want these people to catch it? I’m really getting tired of watching these selfish attitudes pointing fingers at each other and displaying such pig-ignorant behavior about the world around them and how much they play a role in how fucked up things are at the moment.
Tweaked the beta blog this evening, and also decided to look up a basic MediaWiki installation for CentOS 7, and it looked straight forward enough that I semi installed it tonight. I say semi installed because I’m getting a blank page, and according to my research that means some form of PHP error. Rather than spend most of the evening playing with a new site I ended up deciding to shelve it for another day, along with the remaining wordpresses, one to port over and one to recreate.
Oh, and it isn’t much but I did manage to animate a tiny bit tonight… here is the current WIP:
I’m almost done setting up the new blog. I’ve decided to keep the same template but make some tweaks to the header images (lots of new ones!). Once this goes live you guys will hopefully be happy with the load speed. It is light years faster than BlueHost. I won’t be turning certain features back on (such as gallery, the twitch page, etc) until I go over some other new plugins I’ve discovered, but for the most part everything necessary to run the site is in place. I’ll have one more website to port over, sadly that will have to wait until the weekend most likely just to make sure I have plenty of time allotted to give it proper care; once I start something it’s pretty difficult for me to stop. I think I’ll read up on how to install MediaWiki, or get some animation done. Been a few days since I’ve last touched SFM.
If anyone is curious to see the new site in its beta phase I can share a link. Just make contact with me and I’ll put you on the waiting slacking list. I would be interested in knowing how fast it loads with more than a couple people accessing it and maybe some other potential discoveries.
Once I have all of this taken care of I’m thinking of writing up my own tutorial for setting up a wordpress install. It isn’t that difficult, but some of the things I had to do were not all that well documented; taking a small bit of guesswork to get resolve certain things. For example I still find it strange that CentOS 7 didn’t come with firewalld installed by default? O_o
I’ve been experimenting with ways to deploy WordPress websites, and I haven’t been having a good time. I’m better off just using the export/import functions designed for WordPress and putting the plugins/themes back in manually. I successfully transferred over my brother’s blog and let him take care of the rest of it, and now I’m moving my large ass database over. It’s been importing my images for about an hour now. I’ll just let it do its thing over night and check back on it in the morning.
I had some early beta testers check out one of the websites over at the new host, and much like I experienced the load speed is amazeballs even on systems with ancient architectures. If my brain is feeling up to it tomorrow after 8 hours of public abuse I might tear back into things.
I got a shiny new wordpress install on my new droplet server! I had to backtrack through my dependencies a little today, but I managed to get WordPress to run among other resources. Oddly enough, the latest PHP version on the main repo for CentOS 7 is 5.2 (the current one is 7.4). I’m actually surprised that dependency is THAT out of date! Then again CentOS is more geared towards business and stability, which means unlike other Linux distros like Mint or Ubuntu it has to run on an older kernel and other dependencies unless the owner has reason to tinker with it themselves. If I were maintaining the repo it would at least be in the later 6 series for security reasons.
Tomorrow I’ll look into importing at least one existing WordPress install just to see how it goes. If all goes well I’ll add the other installs over, and if not I have my own ways of solving the problem. :zorak: Once this is all said and done I think visitors will like the load times, at least until they start reading the damned place. :rick:
My original plan to tear into my web stuff had to be put on hold… just didn’t have the energy today after getting home. Work really made me tired today and I don’t really feel like going into the details.
Played some Cards Against Humanity with some friends, and played a bit of Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs, an offshoot game from Amnesia: The Dark Descent. I felt sadistic enough to try it out this evening and… I’m glad I bought it during a sale.
You would have to be crazy to buy this shit at full price.
The best way I can describe this game is like Bioshock but boring. I’m currently 3 or 4 levels in and all I’ve basically done is follow my creepy ghost children in a weird game of hide n seek. Reading material and audio recordings telling you about your environment are found throughout the game giving you clues about the whole premise, and a discount version of Atlas (Bioshock Atlas, not Portal 2 Atlas) informs you through random ringing telephones about how your children are trapped somewhere in cages, yet somehow you can still hear them giggle, cry and tell you to follow them. Between the scenery in the children’s’ bedroom, the creepy ringing phones and the eerie sounds it gave me an old school Max Payne vibe. I’ve had to solve some puzzles, but other than that I pretty much walked around waiting to get scared… and here we are four levels in and I think I might be getting somewhere? I had to stop though, as it was getting late and the game was starting to microstutter even worse than Obduction, and that shit hurts my eyesight after awhile. It uses an older version of Unity Engine, which most earlier game titles using that engine weren’t exactly well known for their optimization. I’ll pick it up again at a later date, but I’m not overly impressed with it.
I once again have a mumble server! I’m thinking of working on transferring some of the WordPress installs over this weekend. There will soon come a time where I will have to freeze my Website; but I’ll be sure to provide the IP address to guide people to my work in progress while I get things sorted. I’d share it now but all you would see is a screen telling you that some idiot managed to install Apache with flying colors (among other dependencies needed to power my corner of the internet). :v:
Once I have everything settled on the new host I will look into redesigning the blog (I’ve been putting it off for too long). I also have plans for putting together a wiki still; which will basically document all the strange characters and other stuff that takes place in the YouTube videos. I’m mainly doing this just so I can keep track of any form of “continuity” we have going on (such as making a list of how many people Ronald McDonald abducted), though it will be public (it is a wiki for fucks sake) so if anyone is bored enough to read a bizarre story from an entire network of overactive imaginations they are more than welcome to do so. :rick:
The melon craziness has been invading my wardrobe moar as of late. I had some extra bonus money last month and thought I’d get myself a themed hoodie. My Mum is even in on the trend, she knitted me this:
Also having white hair always seems to throw people off even though I’ve pretty much kept it that way since the accident almost 4 years ago. Older women seem to like it. Most men either think I’m trying to bag someone in their 70’s or question why it is that way, or if its natural (and in some cases they think its a fucking wig).
This hair color has basically become my ultimate bullshit detector.