The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Tea Talk: A potential allergy problem

It isn’t a big secret that I’m a large tea drinker, a drinker of all kinds of tea from black, green, herbals, yerba and anything else I can get my hands on to try. One of my favorite things to drink once in awhile is Flowering tea, which is literally just that.

I’ve been drinking it for years, not everyday but it makes for a nice every once in awhile treat. Watching the flower bloom from within the hot boiling water, and even being able to brew it an extra few times before discarding it completely. Flowering teas are impossible to over-steep too, you can keep adding hot water to it as the pot gets low.

But lately I’ve been suspecting one of my teas might not be as good for me as I thought. I sat down to some of Pinky Up’s flowering Apple Cinnamon tea, and for awhile have been wondering if this has been burning my throat or not. Usually when this occurs I’ve been suffering from hay fever or something else, which makes it easy to potentially mask other things that might cause similar effects. Last week I started with a perfectly fine throat, and within about half an hour I started to hurt. I’m wondering what would be causing this though? I know they use some artificial flavorings for their flowering teas, perhaps that might be a problem? One time I drank their Honey Dew melon one and while it tasted real good, it did cause me to throw up. I’ll have to test their other flowering teas that I’ve got in my collection, but if I get the same results I’ll probably have to pitch the ones I can confirm burn my throat… which sucks because they all are taste so good.

I can at least say their loose leaf variants are not only good but don’t burn my throat… then again those all seem to have natural ingredients for the most part. But their Flowering Tea, or at least a couple flavors of it seems to leave me feeling scorched and raspy afterwards.

Video Editing Diary: One down and 1.7TB to go

I got through my Crash Bandicoot livestream footage tonight! It looks like I have three videos worth to come out of that. Tomorrow I think I’ll tackle my Deadpool gameplay. I’m not entirely sure if that one will be salvageable. I remember we had a hard time riffing that one due to the fact that the game itself is self aware. If not I’ll have plenty of other footage to go through. I had a look at my main recording drive and found that 1.7TB of my 2TB drive has been consumed by video footage. A few more streams and I’ll have to pull out one of my other blank drives to continue recording. 😛 It’s one way to ensure I have plenty of content to work through, that’s fer sure. :melon:

I was a bit bummed this afternoon. My SSD arrived in the mail, and to my disappointment it was a 512GB module instead of the requested 1TB. I’ve already scheduled a return with Amazon. My Linux SSD install will just have to wait a bit longer, fortunately I have plenty to occupy my time as it is. :rick:

Production Diary: Linux Bromance

I’m almost done sorting through the Broforce footage. I have about another half hour’s worth to sort through and then I can move onto tearing up the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy footage. I’m stopping myself now because I know that once I continue I’ll be up later than I should be. :v:

On the subject of my own productions I’ve done some more testing,and I’m pretty much ready to start my next set of SFM animations under Linux. I’ll probably complete the Linux setup of it after I move my install over to a new SSD. I’ve been planning it for awhile now, but since I’ve been spending more time under Linux I wanted to get it off of a mechanical drive and onto something faster. I love Linux on my NVMe, and while Mint boots up pretty quickly on my 7200rpm drive, it is beginning to show it’s old age. I’ll probably do a clean reinstall when the drive arrives then move everything over to it at my leisure… gotta love hot-swap.

It’s kinda funny… All these years I’ve been wanting to move my editing suite to Linux, and after all these years of people telling me that it wouldn’t happen I’m almost right where I want to be. Now if I could just ween myself off of Ye Olde Photoshoppe things would be cherry. All my audio and video work is done under Linux now, and now thanks to Proton Source Filmmaker too… just so long as I don’t run into any graphical glitches during rendering. I did a test image sequence earlier and it imported just as fast as it did under Windows, and from what I can tell it’s about as stable as it is under Windows too. If this works out I’ll have one large and one less reason not to use Windows anymore…

Oh don’t worry Microsoft, you’re still somewhat useful; it’s just that your list of useful properties shrinks a little more as time passes each day.

Memorial Day Open Thread

I’ve had a pretty relaxing weekend. Went to the fair yesterday and picked up a couple of nice alpaca wool hoodies from Peru. There wasn’t really much else noteworthy from the fair, and it seemed rather light. I’m thinking they may have split the fair up into two different points this year? I dunno…

Other than that I did a little game modding today, and got a couple scenes prepped for future SFM projects.  I also played a game called Valley. I may have to stream that one. :zorak:

Another way to breakfast

I was reading one of my cookbooks the other day, coming up with some ideas… and I found a neat breakfast type dish called Eggs Hussarde. I didn’t have all the ingredients needed to make it, but still wanted to have something of a similar vain. It did serve to inspire me to make this though:

I bought some sourdough English muffins and some back bacon (or Canadian bacon as we call it in the states). There was also a bunch of tomatoes that were heavily discounted, so I bought them all up and made them into a balsamic tomato sauce, and instead of Hollandaise I made a white sauce with Parmesan and Marsala. I lightly seared the bacon on both sides  in a pan and made the poached eggs using a microwave. It’s really good, but also really rich in flavor. I don’t think this is something that I would make every weekend, but as a treat every so often to take a break from the traditional weekend omelette I seem to do every so often.

Now, I wonder what I’ll call this dish. Eggs Tomala? Eggs ala Overlord?

Video Editing Diary: Bromantic Edition

I’ve slashed my way through the Borderlands Pre-Sequel footage and have about 4 videos worth of content with plenty of plans for additional animation. Now I’m going through my Broforce files and have now confirmed that I have enough for not one, but possibly 3 or 4 videos. I’ll probably continue at it some more tomorrow, my weekend starts early. My notepad is filling with all kinds of imaginative things that I can’t wait to animate… some of these ideas are tempting enough to be their own standalone videos.