The Mind Of OverlordTomala

My brain is doing things again

I was contemplating a release of a video I finished recently, but now I’m thinking I may hold off until I sort through the current selection of video footage I’ve got. I need to cut up some more film and write down more goofy idea, then I can properly calculate what would be a good video to follow (or possibly proceed ahead of if I can find anything good in recent streams). I’ve been going through my Borderlands Pre-Sequel gameplay and have enough fodder for two episodes so far, and I’m not done going through all of the footage yet. My current list for that and other games is as follows:

  1. Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
  2. Broforce
  3. Crash Bandicoot
  4. Deadpool (Unlikely due to making fun of itself better than we could)
  5. DOSBox
  6. Fallout 4 (Need more footage)
  7. Garry’s Mod
  8. Left 4 Dead 2
  9. Linux Gaming
  10. No Man’s Sky (Need more footage)
  11. Okami
  12. Serious Sam HD SE
  13. Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse
  14. Skyrim (which might spread out as long as game of thrones at this point)
  15. MGSV: The Phantom Pain (Needs more footage)

Going through the Pre-Sequel stuff alone I can tell I have a lot cut out for me in the animation dept. With my latest render I’m thinking I might experiment with SFM under Linux again. For one of my scenes in the upcoming video I have planned I experimented with making an image sequence instead of an mp4 file and it didn’t take as long as I thought it would. If I can do that in the same amount of time as I can under Windows I’ll gladly start using SFM under Linux. Moving all of my production to Linux would be pleasing. The less reasons I have to go into Windows the better, the nightmare.

I’ll be less likely to live that nightmare again…

DOSBox: In Color

I forgot to post this from the other night:

We traveled back in time to an era where the internet was close to being a thing, the start menu hadn’t been invented yet, and people didn’t have smartphones to distract themselves with while driving. I had fun showing off a really old install of Windows with some After Dark screensavers. I kinda wish these would make a comeback, it was always fun to have something silly to look at in the background.

Work Induces Coma

I’ve had a pretty busy week. Between being sleep deprived and having to play catch up I wore myself out to a point that I took a nap in the afternoon and woke up at 6:00am. I did get the last bits of my SFM stuff taken care of, now I’m ready to finish up under Linux and I’ll have an abomination for the world to see. All I really need to do is polish the audio and I’ll be able to have a complete video.

I also volunteered some time to help a friend pack up the belongings of someone else, they are not much longer for the world and they needed help with packing everything up and gathering it all in one place for moving.

Came home and played some Borderlands Pre-Sequel and a little Broforce. I’m kind of surprised how buggy and long winded Pre-Sequel turned out to be, there are so many good concepts in the game, but you have to do so much backtracking in the beginning that it makes one’s head spin after awhile. Broforce was also annoying, but slightly less buggy. There was only one bugged level in multiplayer, rather than explain it I’ll probably save it for another video. I probably have a good bug/glitch blooper reel for Pre-Sequel as well. :v:

April Showers Bring May… Showers

My extended weekend comes to a close. All in all I feel much more relaxed, and hopefully things go smoothly. I have a full week ahead of me. The weather continues to disappoint me; we’re in May now and we’re still dipping into 40 degree weather at night, and we may even be getting rain… which wouldn’t bother me but I’d like at least a little sunshine this spring. Most of my days off have been gray recently,  it’s as though I’m unable to determine if it’s Spring or Autumn just by glancing outside.


I was AMID EVIL this evening

This wasn’t one of my best streams. AMID EVIL runs nicely, but I can’t seem to both record and stream it at the same time. So in the future I’ll have to remember to use the laptop as a streaming medium while recording locally. But regardless I did have a smooth stream (although playback looks a bit grainier than I’d like it to be, probably a CPU setting under OBS). I’ve been playing a bit of this over the weekend and I really like it! People were always trying to copy DOOM and Quake but never really paid as much attention to games like Heretic which were essentially the same thing but one uses magical weapons and the other guns. Playing it gave me old school vibes that you would get from playing Quake, Unreal or Heretic/Hexen.

It seems like the further I go in the trippier it gets; I enjoy every moment of it.

Aaaaaaand I’m back!

I’m on day two of my four day weekend, and if you were around last night you would have noticed I kicked it off quite nicely:


I know of at least three scenes I’ll be able to pull out of that adventure. Other than that I’ve still been continuing onward with my video project. I can honestly say that I have one more scene in SFM to render and I’ll be headed back into Linux to edit it all back together into one disasterpiece.

Work 5 Days Get 4 Off. That works

I found out that I’ll be going back to my regular job next week, and after working 5 days I’ll get 4 off! I’m glad, after last week two days doesn’t feel too great after nine days. That’ll give my muscles a chance to breathe, and maybe I can accomplish a few things… possibly stream a few things. Give me time and I’ll fill it up.