The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Open Thread and chill

I’ve been diddling in SFM a bit each day. I’ve extracted necessary the needed audio for animating more cutscenes… I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting this done within the month, especially with some stuff that I’ll be doing when I get back into town after my birthday… Someone is going on vacation, and I’ve been trained to be their backup, with next to no experience in said section. I’ll be doing their job for three weeks and it requires me to turn into a vampire. Hopefully I won’t hiss too much…

I basically did oriental thanksgiving yesterday

I set a good chunk of time aside yesterday to make some of my favorite recipes, and even try a couple new ones.

I like to make a sweet soy sauce (top right) as well as a red pepper sauce (top left) but I also wanted to try another one with some extra scallions I had lying around. That on the bottom is a sweet scallion sauce, it turned out tasty for the most part… but I probably should have stirred it better when making it. I ended up with a sugary blob in the center of a bunch of vegetable oil. I managed to combine it better after taking out some of the oil, but that’s one I’ll have to practice again at a later date. On the very right I also have what remains of a salad dressing made of cider vinegar, sugar, a little bit of sesame oil and red pepper flakes for color and flavor. Most if it went into a cucumber and grape tomato salad that accompanied both my breakfast and dinner yesterday.

I made miso soup for breakfast yesterday. I like to eat it in the morning sometimes, it can be a nice change of pace from the traditional cereal or bacon and eggs. I threw in some udon noodles for something additional to chew on.

This was something new I tried. I mixed some of the pepper sauce with the sweet scallion sauce, plus some garlic soybean paste and mixed it with noodles, peppers and shrimp, sherry and a little bit of onion. It was really zesty.

Normally when I make a noodle dish I don’t follow it up with rice (or vice versa), but yesterday I basically declared it oriental Thanksgiving, and I wanted to also have the option of ham and egg fried rice… even if this isn’t fried. I boiled some jasmine rice, cooked an egg in another pan then mixed it into the rice, then added cooked vegetables and ham with a generous pinch of sea salt and some white pepper. Normally I would use just peas, but taking inventory in our deep freeze yesterday proved to me that 99% of the frozen vegetables we have on hand are in fact corn… So some peas are better than no peas at all.

This was a simple vegetable dish to make. All you do is steam some asparagus, and then take 1/4 cup of soy sauce and mix in some sesame oil. Add the asparagus to a platter and drench  the sauce over it, and let it sit for about 10 minutes and you have a tasty yet delicate accompaniment to dinner. Of course I have one person in the house that despises asparagus… which means I need to add MOAR vegetables.

I stir fried some sugar snap peas with some salt, pepper, sherry and just a few shavings of fresh ginger. I did cheat a little and pad the rest of the meal with some cream cheese wontons and chicken potstickers…

Then I awoke to find that a giant bowl of rice was not put away this morning… everything else was though, dafuq?

Weekend Open Thread

Sorry for not writing much lately. My work week left me dog tired, mainly due to allergies and other variants of me not feeling well. I’m on my weekend now, and have plans to do some cooking tomorrow among other things.  I worked a bit more in SFM today building and refining scenes for my next project… I’m still trying to aim for the end of April to publish it, but I have a feeling that it will have to come at a later date. I’m working on it almost everyday, but more work is going into this compared to other SFM projects I’ve done. One thing is certain though; I’m learning a lot more about hand animating biped models, but my animation style is Gmodish at best.

Now I’m just waiting for the kettle to be ready one last time before I head off to bed. We have a bunch of rain, and I have a feeling I’ll be sleeping like a baby after a long week of shorting myself due to dry throats and muscle pain.

Evening Open Thread

Sorry, I haven’t felt so well these last few days, which is a great way to end your vacation…  I survived a small shift today, and will endure a longer one tomorrow. I can’t tell if I’m coming down with anything or if allergy season has shown up to make me their bitch. Even when not feeling at my best though I’ve still managed to squeeze in some animation time on my current video project. I keep coming to the end of my night thinking I haven’t done enough, but over the last five nights I’m starting to actually see something that resembles a short animated video.  Unlike my other videos this has a larger block of animation at the end, with more than just Yutram and I bobbing our bodies back and forth to each other to mock whatever game we’re playing. There is also somewhat of a script, dialogue still needs to be recorded, and I still have a lot of animation on my plate. I’m at almost halfway through what I call the “fever dream” sequence. If I’m feeling better tomorrow I’ll continue on it, and maybe even publish a picture in the “fanclub” steam chat. I already have a couple in there for anyone curious under the “declassified files” section.

Who dat?

The current video I’m working on is going to have a lot of animation, enough that it might take me a few weeks to put this one out. My target day would be April 30th but I’m not sure if I’ll make the deadline. I spent a good chunk of time playing with particles and models, and doing a couple test flights so to speak. I’ll probably hammer it out a bit more tomorrow, we have more bad weather on the way and that should be enough to keep me focused. I might make some hot cocoa, haven’t made myself any in awhile…

In my happy place.

It rained for most of the day. I worked for awhile on the thumbnail for an upcoming video this Sunday, and also did some creative writing for another one in the works. Having all of this time off means going to bed when I want, and going to bed when I want means I can stay up later. Staying up later somehow brings out my purist creativity… that and other things that I have deemed my muse. The weather might be preventing me from doing many outdoor activities, but it’s nice to decompress regardless.

I saw the trailer for Borderlands 3. I’m hella hyped! I also saw pre-orders for the new Wolfenstein game. The price is low enough that I might consider it… I have until July to decide. I’ve enjoyed the games despite some mechanical flaws with New Order and Old Blood, then again this is still Beth Esda we’re talking about…