The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Lara Be Hawt

It’s another rainy weekend at House Overlord. Perfect for making a healthy breakfast, drinking an endless supply of warm drinks, and temporarily escaping a chaotic world via digital time travel to the mid/late 90’s. The addition of Photo Mode really makes Lara shine in a new light.

I know. I COULD be playing the newer remaster, but having it release reminded me that I still have achievements/trophies to hunt. That, and I remember this being one of the many old school games I would play in cold rainy weather way back when…

The Unholy Trinity Reunites

Spent today sifting through more Resonite footage, only have another 400 GB worth to go through… Afterwards I was inspired to play a little with friends tonight. It’s been awhile since we’ve all logged in. We got to play our favorite game of “What did I set as a password?”. Once we got in we saw more potential for fun worlds, and more video fodder for me. 😛 I managed to get a few videos put together today, which is nice since I haven’t been doing much video work these last couple of weeks. I’ll be good on video releases for at least another month. 😀

Misbehaving Desktop

I woke up this morning and decided to do a little bit of video editing, and powered the system down before going off to work. When I got home tonight I turned my computer on and… nothing, it didn’t post. After messing around with it for a couple hours I finally got it back up and running thanks to a BIOS flash. Thankfully my mobo has the option for doing BIOS flashes without even turning the system on.

Here’s hoping it doesn’t happen again. This build is barely a month old and I’d hate to have it break down already…

There Is No Closet Big Enough For This Skeleton

On nights that I get home late I’ve mainly been using my desktop for working on AV projects, then during my wind down time I’ve either been reading about Nazi Amerikkka, and playing a random game on my Steam Deck. Last night I conquered the Second Boss in Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Shanoa has a special ability that allows her to utilize magnetic fixtures to fling herself in different directions, which can be handy for getting up into hard reach areas, or in this case evading a large fucking skeleton. Like with many boss battles, this one took a lot of retries. Again, I’m happy that they allow you to save whenever you like. In the original I wouldn’t have had far to walk to get to the boss battle, but it would get irritating after the first 20 deaths.

The design choice for Ecclesia is an interesting one. Most of the Castlevania games have a somewhat anime look to them. Whereas they went with less of an anime look and more of a gothic one, and it works really well. It definitely stands out in the Dominus Collection, which have more of an anime look. Of course, I like all the variations. 🙂

Playing With Vinyl In Audacity

The project of choice this evening was some video work, as per usual. What was not per usual though was that I had to do some special audio work for it. There’s a scene in an upcoming video that takes place in Black and White, and I wanted the audio to match the old look I’m going for – like an old time radio effect. For the most part I used what already came with Audacity, but to make it a little extra I found this free VST plugin by iZotope called “Vinyl” that allows you to add vinyl effects, and has presets for different eras going all the way back to the 1930’s. It’s a pretty cool find! Unfortunately it doesn’t have Linux support, only Mac and Windoze…

I’ll have to see if I can get something to happen using Wine, another time perhaps, when I have time for that kind of science. 😀

Reaching The End Of Quake II

Another game I can check off of my To Finish List, at least in Multiplayer. We finished Quake II tonight! Next time we play it’ll be the additional expansion packs, and then beyond that we’ll start playing with mods.

I like finding secrets like these in older games. They are literally time capsules that tell a story in their own way. Seeing developers from a whole other era, frozen in this point in time all its own. There’s just something magical about it. 🙂