The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Revisiting the old Tomb Raiders.

I’ve been toying with the idea of recording some classic Tomb Raider sessions (2 through 5), and the possibility of streaming them on Twitch and YouTube. I do seem to have issues with the classic versions and OBS, since they use an earlier version of Direct3D (pre directX 9) I have no choice but to record the entire desktop. I’ve experimented a bit with recording all of the desktop and it doesn’t seem to take much power. There is still streaming it to my laptop and then streaming it publicly from there as a possible solution.

Another problem I notice is that on a vanilla setup on any of those games is being unable to run them on any resolution above 1080p. The game setups give me the option to run at 1440p but they fail every time they launch. I would think someone by now would have come up with a workaround, but it’ll take more research. I’ve already installed the multipatch, though that doesn’t seem to solve the problem. I don’t mind playing at a lower resolution, but if there is an option out there that would allow me to play in my native resolution I’d happily welcome it. :happy:

When life gives you melons


You cut them up and realize you need fresher melons. I think I’ve done enough MGR for now.; I beat the game on Normal with a surprise, wigs… Fucking wigs, and all they do is slightly change the color of your hair and give you a bonus depending on which one. I think next time I’ll give the game a go on hard. Each time I play I understand parrying a little bit more.

The look of a bad hombre and the face of a nasty woman.

Meanwhile in MGSV I’ve been having a great time sneaking around and trolling Soviets… the games I played today feel too much like current tines. :zorak:

Memorial Weekend Arrives

Managed to survive the holiday rush today, fortunately I have the next two days off and won’t have to endure the suffering. It actually wasn’t too bad in our area, people were more interested in clothing and food instead of electronics so I managed to get all of my work completed. If anything there were points where it felt like time was dragging on, of course ever since I’ve upgraded my computer it feels like life itself lags. :trollface:

Meanwhile, on Steam…

Logged into Steam today, and what did I see? A Spring Cleaning event. :morty: I’ve already got a level 2 badge, and all I had to do was open certain games. I also got a bunch of items ranging from Steam Emoticons and a wallpaper to a secret mystery item which they say MIGHT come in handy during a future sale… interesting.

It was day

Today’s routine was as follows:

  • Woke up
  • Got out of bed
  • Dragged a comb across my head
  • Go to work
  • Return from work
  • Eat pizza
  • Take accidental nap
  • Winner Winner Of Some Chicken Dinner
  • OMG Metal Gear
  • Bed… eventually

Nothing exciting, and sometimes that’s a good thing. I think tomorrow I’ll do something not Metal Gear related, in fact I’ve installed Half Life 2 and the episodes onto my laptop, thinking of playing it at lunch tomorrow. I’ve always liked that game, shame it left off on a cliff hanger. Perhaps if I’m ever up for it I’ll pull out my copy of the HL2 Leak and play with that again, though every time I’ve played with it it seems like it has missing data. My copy looks like crap compared to other screenshots I’ve seen. :rick:

I still remember the first time I played it though… My computer sucked at recording back in the day. That was when I was still on a Pentium 4 that not only choked FRAPS, but also forced me to play games in a much much smaller screen in order to get a somewhat decent framerate for the time.

Things have definitely improved since then.

A Slumber Party To Surpass Metal Gear

Now that I have all my ducks in a row I can finally get back to all of the important stuff, like kidnapping people for wet n wild slumber parties!

I did plenty of recording, mainly to test. I even did a little test streaming while keeping an eye on my CPU usage, it barely broke a sweat. I should be content with this until Thread Ripper comes down in price. :v:

Ryzen up to the challenge

I’m happy to say my new build has passed with flying colors, literally:

I’ve been quite happy with the setup so far. I’m still running at stock at the moment, everything has been running stable with only a couple Windows 10 quirks that doing a couple regedits can easily fix. I’ve already done some benchmarking in 3DMark and a couple Tomb Raider games. Here are my results with both running on the highest settings with Tessellation disabled:

I’ve run 3DMark, but for whatever reason it doesn’t recognize my graphics driver (currently 18.4.1 non beta), will try to run more tests at a later date. I tested Wolfenstein II since it was designed with Ryzen and Radeon in mind, and I can say it runs on Uber settings above 100FPS! :meeseeks: Whereas before it stayed in the 60 FPS range on high, definitely happy with the results. I can’t wait to see how this thing handles large video rendering projects! :happy:

My next goal is to purchase an external Blu-Ray burner, for backing up data (and experimenting with PS3 emulation) but that isn’t a requirement at this time. I’m going to try and take a break from spending lots of money and only save it for the small stuff. As it is I’m coming back up on renewing my webdomain. :rick: