The Mind Of OverlordTomala

I’m not sure this is how Microsoft wanted to advertise their latest OS

One of the many reasons I’ve held off from upgrading to Windows 10 is the fact that I don’t have control over when updates occur. Some say that it isn’t so bad, but clearly they haven’t been in the middle of something when it decides that it wants to restart. Some strange occurrences have been taking place recently, from upgrade prompts showing up on local weather reports to PC Gaming streamers getting hit with updates, Microsoft is getting more of the wrong publicity.


This guy (who already runs Windows 10) had his game session interrupted by an update even after changing the settings. I would be seriously pissed if that happened to me, especially if I was working on a project or Streaming for my friends. Of course, we all know Microsoft’s love for PC at this point, otherwise this would have been fixed before or not long after release.

Today’s weather forecast: UPGRADE BITCH!!!!

As I’ve said before, I’m not upgrading until they get rid of that problem, and a bunch of other problems… Until then Windows 7 and CentOS work swimmingly.

I thought the older were wiser

I’m not sure what it is, but my last couple of work days have been a bit more interesting than usual. On Sunday I had a lady that didn’t know what the word “simplistic” meant, and yesterday I had another lady that didn’t know what a “commercial” was. Both ladies were at least in their mid to late 50’s, and native English speakers.

Here’s what happened on Sunday: I helped a lady who wanted to find a Windows 10 compatible mouse, and I told her that all the mice we sold were simplistic to install, she interrupts me and asks me “What does simplistic mean? Does it mean it’s simple?” I wanted to pull a mirror out of my pocket, have her look into it and tell her “No, I’m talking about you…” But other than that she was a nice person, but strange… She wanted to know if I knew the tax rates of all other 49 states because, you know, that’s something that I should know right? Turns out she lived in California and wanted to buy a steam gift card to get Stardew Valley for herself. More power to her, but she kept asking me math questions to try and get me to confirm answers for her…

Of course that was much more pleasant than the other lady. She was an all out total bitchface. She wanted to buy a TV, and she was looking at the commercials playing on all the TV’s assuming that what was on the TV had something to do with it… it was a commercial for Uncharted 4. I explained that to her and then she said “WHAT IS A COMMERCIAL?” Which threw me the fuck off because how can you not know? Especially since I’m pretty sure she was around when the first commercial was invented… So I explained it to her, telling her that it’s an advertisement for a Playstation 4 game “Oh, well I don’t want that.”. Already I was missing the Stardew lady… When did words like “Simplistic” and “Commercial” become too scary and confusing for people? Son of a bitch… No wonder Donald Trump won the GOP. I’m a fucking thesaurus compared to Mr “I’m good at words”.

Oh well, on the same day Stardew lady needed help I did help a friendly gay couple choose between Star Wars Battlefront and Fallout 4 by telling them that it was “Skyrim With Guns”, and we all laughed. So maybe there is still some hope for humanity…

Tomb Raider: Linux vs Windows

Gaming On Linux did a benchmark comparison between Linux and Windows 10 showing off framerate differences.

It’s kind of depressing. Great that people on Linux have access to these titles, but sad that the OpenGL optimization can be flat out sucky. I have noticed this with most games on Linux. And it’s one of the reasons why I still keep Win 7 on my system, especially since I like to record my gameplays for video projects, and the better the framerate the better the video output… those numbers aren’t good. We need games to move over to Vulkan… badly. We don’t want Microsoft to control our PC gaming realm, and Linux needs to fight the good fight.

All work and no play makes me want to play even more

I spent most of yesterday futzing around with my own wordpress install, and today with the doctor’s wordpress. It’s nearing completion! I just need to turn a form into a PDF, and get a paypal setup of somekind rolling and I should be finished. From then on out it’ll just be basic maintenance and any addons they want me to install.

I’d post more, but my weekend was cut a bit short. I was supposed to have off tomorrow but have to cover for one of my incompetent co-workers… Such suck is life.

The pro’s and con’s of Steam


I think it’s more than fair that if you look at my content, or to the side where you’ll see my current distractions you’ll notice that I really like Steam. Steam is a really great platform for buying and playing games, and they’ve done a brilliant job making their platform accessible to people outside of Windows on the Mac and Linux platforms. As a result has helped bring more gaming attention to Linux which is great overall. They make really great hardware, such as the Steam Controller. Big Picture? It’s a wonderful convenience for those of us who want to play on a big TV and want the console experience but the freedom to mod and play the way we want to. Does this make me a fanboy? Not really, because unlike fanboys I can point out flaws, and Steam has a lot of flaws.

Is Steam’s focus on movies a flaw? Not really, considering their focus has been on things like Big Picture, SteamOS, their controller, you name it. They want to bring Steam into the living room for those who want the option, so releasing movies would make sense. And why not? They already sell software and graphic novels, why not movies? It isn’t something that I would buy, but why deny others of having the option? That to me is not a flaw.

Now, if you said that their browser sucks? I’m all on board in agreement. And I’ll even admit that Big Picture has it’s issues. For example, sometimes when I look at my friend activity there will be a 50/50 chance that it’ll either fail to come up, or it’ll appear fine, and then there’s a 25% chance that it won’t display correctly. Like, you’ll scroll over a friend to see what they said, or what picture they took, and it won’t come up at all. Then you have their support service, which we all can universally agree sucks.

And then there’s the Steam Mobile Authenticator. Want to trade with someone on the market? You need a smartphone, or to wait three days for the trade to go through. That sounds somewhat reasonable, note the emphasis on the somewhat. It gets ridiculous when you want to sell something on their community market. I went to sell some cards I accumulated in a game, and found that I had to wait 15 days… wtf? Again, you need a smartphone.

I don’t want a smartphone. I literally have no reason to purchase or use a smartphone, nor do I have the desire to purchase one. I rarely make phone calls and when I do it’s over a landline. Everything else is done via email. When I point this out people seem shocked for some strange reason. Then they ask me why I wouldn’t want “the most convenient device ever made”? Why? I’m a practical person. If I bought a smartphone it would literally be just to use the trade system and market on Steam, that’s not a good reason to buy a smartphone. Also, I’m not the type that checks social media every few minutes. There are times when I just want to disconnect completely from technology and go about my business. That might change someday, but for the time being I don’t want a smartphone, especially for something like Steam.

I’m not against the idea completely, but why do they fixate on having a smartphone? Why can’t you use a secondary email address, or a landline? I would think the landline would be safer since it’s tied to your fucking house.

I love you Steam, but you’re drunk… Get back to your roots dammit.

Doctors Doctors Doctors

I had an appointment the other day with a doctor for the first time in about 4 years, needed to get something checked and the good news is that I’m fine. I’ve scheduled another appointment two months out for something else. Then yesterday I went into the dentists office to show off my latest setup for their website, which they loved. Other than the doctor had no idea what this was:


So I’ll have to switch it out with another picture, which is no big deal. There’s plenty of free non-copyrighted pictures of that type to choose from. 😀 Also took some more photos for the website, so my plans are going to be real photoshop heavy… that and I’ll be researching some additional plugins. Also they had an opening for a tooth cleaning appointment for next Monday, so that was convenient. Now I just need to get with an eye doctor and I’ll be fully calibrated.

Tomb Raider 2013 finally hits Linux today

Today is a good day to be a Linux user, well, everyday is… but it’s nice to see this game transition over to the open source side.

Now the question, how well will it perform under OpenGL? Tomb Raider was rather taxing on Windows, you needed REALLY good hardware to run it. I wonder how well it’ll handle TressFX.