The Mind Of OverlordTomala

So I guess I’ll be going extreme.

After taking out my video card I got rid of the black screen issue. I’ll be doing an RMA on the card so I can get a new one (hopefully one with some nice shiny hynix). I still have an issue at startup though where it locks up and makes a high pitched scream through my speakers. Pressing reset doesn’t work either when this happens. I’m thinking the motherboard might have some issues with it. One of the things it likes to do when it restarts is verify the RAID over and over again. Which is strange because the stuff I have isn’t on the operating system. It’s weird.

Since I have my tax rebate though I’m thinking about just upgrading to a hex-core processor and an extreme series motherboard. I mean I already have the R9 290. I might as well go complete balls to the wall insane. Well, maybe not insane. If I was insane I’d go with the newly released R9 295X2 which is basically 2 cards in one with a slightly higher clock speed. I’m happy with just the 4 gigs… For now. 😛

On another note I got another present from my evil friend Yutram (I’m only responsible for 50% of the evil). Hentai Octodad Dadliest. That game is much more difficult than I thought it would be. Can’t wait to check out what people created for it in workshop. 😛

Open Thread

The allergies finally caught up to me. On Easter it was real hard for me to speak, today was a little better. Which is good considering I helped put together a blog for someone.

On another note I played an early birthday present (well, not early now that it is my birthday lol) thanks to a certain evil DG. It’s called Jazzpunk. It’s the best LSD simulator I’ve ever played. I actually found it to be hilariously trippy. I’ll have to keep it in mind as a thing to randomly gift people. Guess this is another one I can add to my Linux collection. 😀

Open Thread Ramble Scramble

Hi! Still around. Although I’ll probably be around less next week since work is finally picking up a bit. $$$Cha-ching biatch!$$$ I guess that means I’ll be lugging my laptop around all week. That and preparing my own lunches instead of just random snacks.

It just dawned on me that I haven’t posted anything in a couple days. That’s mostly due to not having much to write about, and enjoying the epic awesomeness that is TV of teh internetz. Also I’ve been sorting/ working with audio and video. Same ol same ol.

Although this year there’s a bit of a difference. I’m actually off on Easter! I haven’t figured out if I should wish people a Happy Easter or a Happy 420… Of course I’m working on my birthday, so that’s nothing new. As if I actually plan anything for it. 😛

Well, time to rest for work. The sun is coming up and I have to keep the illusion that I’m a vampire… or something.

A cable has been cut

For about a year now we have been thinking of doing something we never thought we would do, we cut our TV cable service and upgraded our internet connection to a business one. It wasn’t something to over think really considering we only watched TV for a handful of things, and really most if not everything we watch can be found online pretty easily. One thing that I do notice is that it’s much quieter in the living room now at night. I had to go out there and stream some Bioshock Infinite and Mortal Kombat just because I felt like it.

We also upgraded to business to strengthen our dedicated servers. We even have a static IP address now! Which means I can add my servers to my favorites on steam and not have them vanish every other month. If anyone is interested in checking out my servers feel free to look on the group page. Joining the group is optional but anyone can play on the servers (unless you’re an asshat). We currently have TF2, TF2 MvM, Gmod Sandbox, CS:GO, and L4D2. I’ll look into fixing the Serious Sam servers sometime in the near future, and also look into starting up Elevator Source again. Elevator Source will be the ultimate bandwidth test. Another thing I’ll look into is getting Replays working on MvM and regular TF2.

Obduction for Linux? Yes please!

The Unreal Engine is getting Linux support (as of version 4.1) which means companies and groups who choose to develop with it will be able to make their games available to not just Windows and Mac users, but to the Linux platform as well. Cyan is developing Obduction under Unreal Engine 4 so it would only make sense for a couple people to ask about it. Cyan answered via Kickstarter today… sorta.

Linux support

Epic has announced that the Unreal 4 engine will have Linux support. We would love to support Linux and we are currently evaluating what it means for the scope and cost of development.

I hope they go through with it (especially since it would mean more copies sold to pure Linux users). Gaming under Linux is in still a young idea that’s still getting better, and I’d like to see Linux someday with a nice library like Windows has of equal RPG/MMO/FPS instead of the FPS’s being outnumbered by RPG’s and simulators. There needs to be more versatility, and with companies like Valve, Unreal and Croteam already switching to OpenGL that’ll set an excellent course for the future of Linux! Now if only the neckbeards could cooperate better…

Open Thread

Cleaned and rearranged my closet finally. Managed to get rid of a few things too (or plan to). A pair of jeans, some really old worn out sneakers (two pairs), a pair of boots and a mini kimono robe I never wore unfortunately. Beautiful thing too, but too small for me. I know someone at work though that might be able to give it a good home possibly.

I did find my small collection of red kimonos that I hadn’t seen in awhile. Plus I found my old gi from when I did Judo. Also managed to rearrange my World War 2 chest of shoes and my epic trouser collection. I keep forgetting about all the shoes people gave me that I haven’t had a reason to wear. I mainly wear sneakers and boots.

It’s supposed to be even nicer today. I think I’ll just enjoy it. Give myself one day to have a little fun. Maybe do some online shopping.