The Mind Of OverlordTomala

The Return Of Greydragon

Well, like quite a few people on Steam today from the Uru Rocks group. I had an invite sent to me by Greydragon, the former head PR guy of CyanWorlds inc (you may have seen a tagline about him somewhere). I’m rather surprised, as I’m probably one of the most evil Uru community members you would ever know. Damn, I must be losing my touch. 🙁

Anyways since I browse groups I’m a member of quite frequently I also came across this from the Uru Rocks group on Steam: … 866368370/

greydragon wrote: It is kind of sad we can’t change the title of this group. With all the talk about the other Cyan Worlds games, it seems like it should have a different name. What do you all think?

Let it go man, let it go… It’s over and what’s done is done. The 90’s was a good era but you have to move on.

He also took the time to make an exclusive group for himself! Well, until he can find someone from CyanWorlds to join in anyway…

Early Morning Open Thread

Twas a cold winter feeling day yesterday. Stayed in and had more earl grey whilst playing with peoples Portal 2 workshop contributions (single player only) if you didn’t notice my stats. Equally good and bad stuff, some of it might be film worthy, but maybe for other stuff.

I talked with my friends, and we all agreed. I got rid of the SNews blog. It wasn’t getting any traffic, people hardly post on it these days (aside from myself) and I figured if I was the only one posting the most then I might as well pull everything over to this blog. While I was at it I removed the antisocial network (as that was mostly a drunken test to start with). Oh well, it was fun while it lasted at least. 🙂

All hail apple and their rounded rectangles.


Apple being the copyright trolls they are have managed to patient anything that uses a rectangle with rounded corners. You know, because it was THEIR idea, and nothing else uses rounded corners right? All forums and blogs had better take caution. Apple might come for us next. :O

Early Morning Open Thread

Well, got the last bit of swag from TF2 that I could. Got a nice cursed pyro soul! I can live with that. Now I can go back to playing other games…

Played with my new DigiTech DSP unit tonight. Been enjoying the random voices I’ve been able to come up with. Gives my voice a nice boost too without any hiss. Money well spent. If I’m not being lazy tomorrow I might take a pic of my new setup.

Trolling the trolls.

I have nothing to say. I’m just gonna leave this here. I’ve left it as a spoiler as it contains crude language. 😛

12:53 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: so is ur willy smaller than emilys???
12:53 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: or is it the other way round??
12:53 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: wyhat kind of question is that?
12:54 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: just a simple 1 lol
12:54 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: wat do u think??
12:54 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: you came into a group full of admins just to troll us?
12:55 AM – Tomala: lol… Has ban(s) on record
12:55 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: yeah i thought so
12:55 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: who me??
12:55 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: na that was mods
12:55 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: im a pro baby
12:55 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: i got another acc
12:55 AM – Tomala: pro h@xx0r
12:55 AM – Tomala: Gotchya
12:55 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: anyway
12:56 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: (btw im a pro just got banned 4 mods)
12:56 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: i bet emily has a small willy
12:56 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: so… you’re a pro cheater?
12:56 AM – Tomala: Yeah, that’s what he said
12:56 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: no im a pro
12:56 AM – Tomala: Did he stutter? 😛
12:56 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: just a pro
12:56 AM – Tomala: He’s a pro at cheating
12:56 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: he must have
12:57 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: i play lots of zombs on this acc
12:57 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: u know black ops??
12:57 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: wat is ur highest level on zombs baby??
12:57 AM – Tomala: I try not to. 😛
12:57 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: yeah the shitty cod game that all the little kids play
12:57 AM – Tomala: Black ops is for 12 year olds :3
12:57 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: mine is 30 baby
12:58 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: ^^
12:58 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: fuck im good
12:58 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: and i got a big willy 2
12:58 AM – Tomala: Yes, most children are 🙂
12:58 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: and i got a big willy 2
12:58 AM – Tomala: Everything looks bigger under a microscope
12:58 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: xD
12:58 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: i bet emilys pussy tastes like shit :3
12:59 AM – Tomala: You wouldn’t know. You’re not old enough yet 😛
12:59 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: haha
12:59 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: i hope you like being hacked bro
Marty is now playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – Multiplayer. Click here to join.
1:00 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: i hope u like being hacked bro
Marty is now playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – Multiplayer. Click here to join.
1:00 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: so back 2 the question…
1:01 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: tel evenessance i think she is a girl and emily is a boy
1:01 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: k
1:02 AM – Tomala: My eyes must be botehring me. Because all I saw was “Please tell Eveanesence and Emily that I boffed a goat. And loved every moment of it.”
1:02 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: omg!
1:03 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: i saw that too
1:03 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: how old is this guy anyway xD
1:03 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: lol im not goetsie at all
1:04 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: (o)
1:04 AM – Tomala: Lets see… Plays on a hacked account, claims to be a pro, plays shitty console ports. I’d say at least 8
1:04 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: but my willy is big
1:04 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: hmm…. i was thinking 7
1:04 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: who knows xD
1:05 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: lol thats 4 the chat guys
1:05 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: catch u later
1:05 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: exx dee
1:05 AM – Tomala: awwww don’t go
1:05 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: i hav 2 go 2 bed, got work in mornin
1:06 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: got chores? good luck
1:06 AM – Tomala: Ah, so that’s what you’re calling your alone time with the goat
1:06 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: LOL
1:06 AM – Tomala: Well, don’t forget the kneepads 😉
1:06 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: hehe
1:06 AM – Tomala: Never tried it myself. But hear it’s real hard on dem knees
1:06 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: i like havin sex wit girls
1:07 AM – Tomala: Girl goats? Not much better
1:07 AM – ❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇: 11:06 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: i like havin sex wit goats O_O
1:07 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: hey if i made a poo in ur hand would u hold it??
1:07 AM – Tomala: I don’t have hands
1:07 AM – Tomala: So probably not
1:07 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: aww
1:08 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: wel my mum said my willy was bigger than yours, so in ur face and back
1:08 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: 😛
1:08 AM – Tomala: Awwwww that’s sweet. My mom never measured mine when I was a kid
1:08 AM – Tomala: I’m jealous now
1:09 AM – Tomala: Of course… It makes sense though.
1:09 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: hahahah
❇ Bʟᴀᴅᴇ1709 ❇ disconnected.
1:09 AM – Tomala: Some people have to be measured for catherters.
1:09 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: catch u later noobs
1:09 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: :PPPPP
1:10 AM – Tomala: Hurry up and go to bed now. Don’t want momma getting all upset 😛
1:10 AM – ^^1F^^11★ yakka▲: ok c ya
^^1F^^11★ yakka▲ left chat.

Even Croteam has something to say about Win 8

Bit old, but still very valid. Croteam, the creators of the Serious Engine and the Serious Sam games have spoken out about Windows 8. At least one of them anyway…

I have to apologize in advance for keeping off topic, but I would very much like to clear this one thing. I think that this is very important as there are “under the hood” motions related to Windows 8 that are hidden and not well understood even by many developers (yet), and certainly not by most gamers. Pardon me if this turns out to be a long post, but it is a complex issue. I’ll highlight only the most important sentences if you want to skip the details.

Gabe Newel did not overreact. What you don’t see here is that, under the hood, the new tiled UI is a means for Microsoft to lock Windows applications into a walled garden, much like the one on iOS. There is this “small detail” that Microsoft is not advertising anywhere, but you can find it dug deep in the developer documentation:

One cannot release a tiled UI application by any other means, but only through Windows Store!

I cannot even begin to stress out just how horrible this idea is! There is no side-loading, except for corporate use inside one company, and that works only on the enterprise edition of Windows 8. Do we all understand what that means? You cannot download an application from the Internet and run it on your computer. You have to get it from Microsoft’s store. Even if it is a free app!

If it was just about “being downloaded from Windows store”, it would not be a problem. It would be nice to have a common hub to download things from. But to get an app onto that store, it has to be certified by MS. This means bringing the “console experience” onto your desktop. Each app that you will get through the Windows Store will have to adhere to certain requirements imposed by MS. So far, we know that they’ve banned mature games, like Skyrim, CoD, and Serious Sam.[*] They have forbidden modding. They could very well forbid Open Source if they want. But even if these terms were not there, this is still a certification system. With all of its downsides, including uncertain release dates, rare and late patches, and everything turning out to be more expensive and sucking more.

While, theoretically, desktop applications are exempt from these requirements, it looks more and more like just a foot-in-the-door technique. A large number of developers have expressed their concern with possibility that, probably in Windows 9 or something like that, the ability to get even desktop apps in any other way than through Windows app store may very well be removed. When that happens it will be too late.

I would not invest into supporting the tiled UI apps (which MS now conveniently calls “Windows Store apps” – does that ring a bell?), until MS removes the requirement that they have to be shipped through Windows Store on desktop at least – and thereby remove the requirement of certifying them with MS. Certification is a broken concept and should be abolished.

Now, while in current state Windows 8 do look like they support plain desktop apps seamlessly, the removal of start menu and use of “charms” even on the desktop looks like a pretty blunt attempt to force users to “get used” to the tiled UI. It would be fine by me if it wasn’t for the aforementioned certification issue.

So, it is a vicious circle. And not an accidental one. This one was carefully designed to be that way. I say: no thank you, I’ll skip on that one.

[*] Yes, I know that the PEGI-16 limit is supposed to be lifted to PEGI-18, but this is only an announcement, and we didn’t see the new terms yet. There could still be another fly in the ointment. Note that besides the bare rating, they also disproved profanities, drug references, and various other things like that in terms that are separate from the rating requirement. If they don’t remove all of that, a game may satisfy the ratings yet still fail the cert. Worst thing is for such things you simply cannot know what they will allow until you submit, which is terrible.

Man am I glad I’m a server owner.

I’ve been pondering for awhile over some recent reading material in various places. Such as this and the comments that followed, this video and thread, and this link in the 2nd page of the thread.

Man I’m happy that I own my own servers. If I ever have an asshole come in to cause any form of grief I can not only get rid of them in an instant, but have some quality fun at their expense. I want people to have fun in games, and if you come into my house and start shitting all over the place then I have every right to summon as many supertanks as I want. What’s that? If I mute someone it will solve everything? I just so happen to have that option at the server side!

I’m glad Microsoft is finally cracking down on these assholes. If I had to deal with that drivel on a daily basis I’d probably throw the console out the window. I guess it really does pay to be a PC nerd. That and servers are fun to tinker with. 😛