The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Yeah it’s a great idea. But why isn’t anyone using it yet?

SFM creators (including myself) have been using places like Gamebanana and to get custom maps and models for videos. This website was meant to basically be the of SFM. You’d think people would start using it right about now. I would, but I have nothing to upload.

Saturday Night Open Thread

Woke up today with the sound of a light rain hitting the roof. Arms and legs were tired from the epic Black Friday ass beating. Work was much quieter tonight, but the aftermath was still there… It was as though a hurricane swept through. There was stuff that should never have been in the area. Like a little girls tutu in the men’s underwear, and empty Styrofoam cups hiding in pairs of pants plus cans of soda and redbull all over the place. And of course crumpled hidden clothes left by the terminally lazy.

It’s going to take weeks before everything looks normal again.

Another Epic Tale from Black Friday hell.

it’s a known fact that Black Friday brings out the stupid in people. But this makes me cringe.

In another Black Friday story of woe, a man is accused of leaving a child in a car while he shopped for a TV. He allegedly forgets to go back for the child — who is rescued by police.

I’ve seen my fair share of people leaving living things in closed up cars and trucks on long weekend shopping adventures (usually leaving a dog and once I saw a little kitten). But if you forget your little baby while trying to find a new TV you maaaay want to recheck your priorities.

I would put this under the “I hope they don’t breed” tag, but it’s clear this one’s a little too late.

Women implanted with tracking devices in Saudi Arabia.

In most countries people install these into pets to keep track of them if they get lost. Apparently Saudi Arabia liked the idea so much that they have decided to do the same thing, but with women.

Saudi Arabia has been accused of behaving like Big Brother after introducing technology that alerts male “guardians” by text whenever women under their guardianship leave the country.

The kingdom already bans women from driving and excludes them from most workplaces. It also disapproves of women’s sport. Since last week it has been operating a new electronic system that tracks all cross-border movements.

Of course this comes as no surprise. Still, it’s rather sad that by having a vagina you’re instantly a slave. It’s like a form of punishment.

Overlording and beyond.

Been having a go at an interesting read over at SPUF. In the TF2 section people are discussing what servers they blacklist. Honestly I’ve never blacklisted anything, including servers I don’t care for. Being that I’m a server owner I take things to another level. I ban people who won’t like my server. Don’t like bots? You’re banned, don’t like custom sounds? Banned. This has been something I’ve been meaning to do since the Uru days.

It’s just another way of helping the SPUF community. 😀

I always said people who downloaded Justin Bieber songs should be arrested… Now it finally happened!

These cops in Finland mean business.

An anti-piracy company has found itself in the middle of a huge controversy. CIAPC, the company that had The Pirate Bay blocked by ISPs in Finland, tracked an alleged file-sharer and demanded a cash settlement. However, the Internet account holder refused to pay which escalated things to an unprecedented level. In response, this week police raided the home of the 9-year-old suspect and confiscated her Winnie the Pooh laptop.

I’m sorry. I can’t help but laugh.

Freaky Black Friday Stories.

Taken from [H]ardOCP

How many of you went out last night to do some Black Friday shopping? Did you get a deal or just ran over by a car in the parking lot? Did you get robbed? Did you get shot at? How about a fist fight over phones? None of that exciting stuff happened to you? (dang, oh well, I guess that’s a good thing) Well then, spit it out, what DID you get?

Besides, everyone knows the best Black Friday deals can be found in our forums

Luckily I didn’t encounter anything like that. I just had to help a lady pull her pants down so she could figure out what size she was…

I survived Black Friday.

It was fucking horrible though, an entire mob of people and no extra help. I did get off work early though, as Jakah was over here visiting from England. An exchange of Jaffa Cakes and Banana Bread took place, followed by nice discussions, tea and pictures. Speaking of pictures, you’ll find one in The Meter Room with my face included. 😉 Seeing him made up for the real nasty day today.