The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Early Morning Open Thread

Tonight I generated some nav files for some awesome TF2 maps. I decided I wanted to go for an Egyptian theme tonight for a good slaughter. They’ll be showing up in future episodes of You Can’t Do That On XBox! sometime in the future, I need 5 more episodes worth of footage and I’ll be set (I’m already at 15 of 20).

Didn’t do much today on a sunny afternoon. I kicked back and enjoyed some green pineapple tea, picked out my clothes for the work week ahead. All seems to be good… hopefully.

Today was a productive day.

Well, I cleaned the jungle out from under my bed.. Found 3 unused wine bottles in the process, some canned vegetables, a rock, and a bunch of pots and pans (they’re clean they’re clean!) and now it’s all vacuumed. Everything looks as it should be. My mind feels less cluttered now.

I also decided to sew some buttons back together on one of my Chinese shirts, and sew a button back onto some trousers. I have one more top I need to alter, but that will require breaking out the sewing machine. Maybe next week.

Got the CS:GO server up and running on the latest update with the dev branch of metamod and sourcemod. So far no issues, and the new maps are fantastic.

MagiQuest online to shut down.

The online MMO known as MagiQuest will be shutting their doors on December 31, 2012 according to their website.

Creative Kingdoms with our development partner Cyan Worlds, has expanded the world of MagiQuest into the online world with its MMO MagiQuest Online since March 2010.

While all involved are immensely proud of MagiQuest Online, we have decided to discontinue MagiQuest Online on December 31, 2012. This decision was not made lightly, but was determined to be the best plan of action after much investigation.

For those Magi who have not yet had a chance to experience the magic of MagiQuest Online, the game will remain available on the MagiQuest website and at select MagiQuest locations until October 29, 2012.

For existing Magi, we invite you to return and enjoy MagiQuest Online until the game shuts down on December 31, 2012.

Note that this shutdown only covers MagiQuest Online services. The MagiQuest live sites, website, online retail shop, and online customer support system will continue to operate as usual.

For questions or concerns, contact us at

Thank You

The MagiQuest Online Team

So for those who know of Cyan’s track record, does anyone else see a pattern here?

Cleaned out my closet (in the most non sexual way possible)

Getting some shit together for a yard sale. So I decided to go through my closet today and got rid of tons of stuff that I either hardly ever used or never unboxed. Looks a lot better in there now I have to say. I also pulled out my lava lamp and put it by the bed. I’ll move the other lamp which I usually have over there to my desktop.

Weather was unusually nice. I say unusually because I’ve come to expect it to suck epically. I did manage to oversleep a bit though due to the extra bit of TF2 I put in last night. Tonight I decided to do a little TF2 with lots of audiosurf. That game is real fun when you’re in the mood for music.

So, I think when I get up I’ll get right into emptying out the stuff I keep under the bed. I’ve been meaning to for quite awhile now.

Steam to have closed beta in October for their Linux platform.

If you like the idea of gaming under linux you may want to consider reading this article.

Things have been going well. We will be having an internal beta starting next week, and a private external beta for 1,000 users sometime in October.

The private external beta will include:

One Valve game
Support for Ubuntu 12.04 and above

It will not yet include:

Big Picture mode
Additional Valve games

For existing Linux users, the external private beta is a good release for seeing where we are in running our games on Linux. We will be using a sign up page for the external beta. Information about the sign up will be announced in a future post.

For those new to Linux, we recommend waiting for a subsequent release where more features are implemented along with improvements to the user install experience.

I’m more of a fedora distro kinda person, but I’d still be willing to hunker down and give Ubuntu a shot. With the rise of Windows 8 this will most definitely be a step in the right direction on Valve’s part.

Do I feel lucky?

So I decided to do something different and check out another server tonight. I think something was wrong with it. There were no bots there and I was kicking everyone’s ass. I even made the top 3 winners list at the top each time. Didn’t lose a single match. 🙂 I probably stumbled upon the lost tomb of an00bis where all the new people play.

Saturday Morning Open Thread

Schedules were rewritten today, I got cut so terribly that I’m being sent back to the bakery for two days next week. All of this was done without me being told too. The only brightside here is that I’m at least making more money now. It also means another short work week for me and more time on my hands.

I’ve actually been contemplating a vlog again via SFM, the question is what to talk about. If anyone has any suggestions they’re always welcome.

Dinner was interesting tonight. I came home to some Thai pizza and Thai stirfried noodles. Tasted pretty good actually. Didn’t make any chai to go with it as I would be bouncing around the house due to it’s sweetness. So I’m enjoying some lemon ginger.

Friday is my Monday Open Thread

I pretty much loafed around yesterday. Day off, balmy weather, nothing but tea at my disposal. All was calm on the western front.

For the hell of it I decided to look up old versions of windows tonight on youtube, because anything before 3.11 I never saw when I was a kid. Either way I came upon this interesting video (which is only interesting if you’re as nerdy as I am).

They managed to upgrade from Windows 1.0 to Windows 7 while still keeping quite a bit of the legacy items from 1.0. I was also impressed at how it kept the custom color settings from 2.0 up until the XP upgrade.