The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Early Morning Open Thread

Yesterday was an interesting day. I knew it was going to be good when I saw an old man park his car right in front of one of our entry ways just so he could recycle his cans.

Did some animating again tonight. But haven’t really played anything in awhile. So decided to do some HL2DM team deathmatch, real fun feeding enemies public toilets. 🙂

Early Morning Open Thread

Garry recently fixed Garrysmod servers for Linux (w00t no more segfaults!) so I have that back online now. Been trying to figure out why the fuck it doesn’t load other gamemodes though. I’m trying to run elevator source and all I can get running is the map itself. gamemode stays at sandbox no matter what I do. This will require more research.

On another note I won a couple auctions today! Got a ThermalTake Frio and a Radeon HD 6950 coming in the mail. Once those come in I’ll play with some overclocking on my i5 2500k. Did some Portal 2 with BOD. We’re good at science! And by good I mean we didn’t know what we were doing! But we made it through last years DLC. Kinda sad because I played it before with Yutram, only once though. Old memory and all that jazz.

Did some more script writing tonight. Thought I got myself stuck in a corner but managed to find a way around it. I’ll go sleep on it a bit and see if I can come up with anymore mindfuckery.

Open Thread

One of the semi slack things I did today was play with the SNews website a bit. Feel free to give it a look

Changed the logo a bit and added some widgets. Subscription via RSS and email is back up! Plus the latest episode of You Can’t Do That On XBox is online. Still looking for more participants over there. So if you have time to write or make anything or think you can contribute in some way, hit me up on here, the forums, or steam.


Stuff fixed itself!

Thanks to a WordPress update, this template we are using has been fixed (custom widgets had to be disabled for a time). That said, subscribing is now back up (You can subscribe via RSS or email. Don’t worry we don’t bite) and now we have a list of author avatars. That means it’s time for our other authors and contributors to get off their arses and post! For fucks sake this doesn’t need to be my 2nd blog.

If anyone has a suggestion for what I can add to the site feel free to let me know.


My day in reverse.

It’s funny. I napped a bit longer after the last blog entry. Got up a few hours before work, had dinner, packed my lunch, went to work, at lunch, came home then had breakfast. What a way to start going to bed! Speaking of bed, I did have another dream when I continued my sleep. I think I’ll hold onto this one though because it can actually work in one of my YCDTOXB storylines.

Ever have strange dreams that somehow relate to the day you’re going to have?

I just woke from an odd one. I woke up (in my dream) to get ready for work. Got my shirt on and got my slacks. Then for some reason my hands put jeans on instead of the slacks. Then I looked over at the clock and started to realize I was getting pressed for time. Then I took the jeans off and for some reason I put a skirt on. Not sure why…  then I got the slacks on but the skirt was still on over them. I finally get ready to shut off the computer, but no matter what I do the computer does it’s best to either distract me or turn itself back on. Even shutting off the APC it was attached to didn’t help because it still powered back on. As for distractions steam wouldn’t close at all and windows was being even more of a dick than usual (trying to turn itself into an XBox) which lead me to trying and defend it. But then I looked at the clock AGAIN and noticed I was late. I started unplugging every device from my computer and FINALLY shut the computer down… As it was at the shutdown screen it said “Motherboard is loose. Please replace” which made me go WTF?!?!?

Having given up on that I get ready to go out the door . But then one of my aunts comes to visit and tries to show me things on he very same computer that’s doing it’s best to make sure I don’t go. FINALLY I make it outside to the car but then I notice that for some random reason I was wearing jeans again. So I run back upstairs and look for the slacks I was wearing, but no work clothes were anywhere in sight.  Eventually I woke u from it and DID get ready for work. But then I got a call asking if I wanted to work a longer shift after hours. Which yes I did go for. Kinda puts a damper on my evening, but I’ll have more money for it and a bit of a longer rest.

Perhaps it was a warning NOT to take the regular shift… lol