The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Sunday Night Open Thread

Today I spent most of my time tidying things up a bit. Then I looked into a few maps for a game that is not Left 4 Dead (since I wouldn’t mind reviewing something dor a different game). Then we had steak for dinner. Had mine Florentine style with a lemon wedge. nothing like a steak grilled over hickory/mesquite and seasoned with some lemon juice from a fresh wedge.


Now to prepare my lunch box for tomorrow. I know ahead of time that it’ll be a full day.

Saturday Open Thread

Decided to experiment in the kitchen today. Green curry with zucchini over rice and some India Spice chai to wash it down.  On another note my L4D2 server died again (thanks Valve) and I have no idea what to do. It’s coredumping nonstop and I can’t seem to find anyone else having issues with their servers. This shit annoys me, especially since last night I wanted to play it… So instead I opted for Serious Sam HD, where I killed Santa.

Goodbye Trellian, hello Dreamweaver

Just got Dreamweaver tonight. For those that don’t know Adobe Dreamweaver is used for building websites, html editing and can be used to create many webscripts (php, java etc). I used Trellian to change the slackers site but felt it was lacking somehow. I’ll be experimenting in Dreamweaver CS5 to see what I can come up with. Maybe even find a template for inspiration/to fuck with.

What I did today.

I decided to veg out today. I kinda felt entitled to do so. So I stayed in my comfy PC chair and played with HTML for a bit and came up with the new look for the primary website:

I’ll add a background image later. I figured the buttons would be good for now.

Made it. Barely…

Today was geriatric tuesday, and boy the store was full of elderly zombies. It wasn’t really clear what I was supposed to be doing today. I was only brought in to handle the overhead but ended up doing things that weren’t even for my department or doing someone elses job. It was one of those circle jerk style days… Tonight is going to be all about drinking and slacking.

I’m too antisocial to join a social network

Maybe I’m old fashioned but regular email, forums and blogging are good enough for me. Hell I never even thought I would be blogging or vlogging when I was younger. Then eventually I found reasons to do both. However I’m not really a spacebook/myface/tehgoogleplus person. I have no reason/desire to use social networking sites. For one I’m a privacy nut, for another I know that workplaces search sites like facebook to find out about their workers (they try to find me all the time). I have nothing to hide about myself (otherwise I wouldn’t even have a blog), I just think my online life should be like my real life. Personal. I mean it’s not like I go about the real world advertising that I exist online.

The reason for this rant is because of something that’s been coming up a lot lately at work. Random strangers asking if I have a facebook, today especially. There’s this one girl that I see shopping from time to time over the last few years while I’m working or out and about on my day off. She wanted to know if I had a facebook and I told her the truth. Then she wanted to know if I had an email address. Who doesn’t these days? But I don’t go about giving it out to just anyone, hell there are people who I’ve known for several years that don’t have my email. There’s no reason for it, especially if you’re local. It also seems like every other day there is a co worker or a stranger asking someone (including me) if you exist online. I can understand this if it’s a close friend or a family member. But if I see you every single day or every other day why should we discuss things online? I rate this among people who would rather text each other side by side than actually carry on a conversation.

That brings me to another point. As much as I like the online world I believe that places like facebook and even youtube cause social laziness. I guess for some it’s easier to break the ice that way, but often it seems to come off as creepy. Or maybe that’s just me.

ISP may become big brother…

This just doesn’t sound right.

Internet providers would be forced to keep logs of their customers’ activities for one year—in case police want to review them in the future—under legislation that a U.S. House of Representatives committee approved today.

The 19 to 10 vote represents a victory for conservative Republicans, who made data retention their first major technology initiative after last fall’s elections, and the Justice Department officials who have quietly lobbied for the sweeping new requirements, a development first reported by CNET.

A last-minute rewrite of the bill expands the information that commercial Internet providers are required to store to include customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses, some committee members suggested. By a 7-16 vote, the panel rejected an amendment that would have clarified that only IP addresses must be stored.

It represents “a data bank of every digital act by every American” that would “let us find out where every single American visited Web sites,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, who led Democratic opposition to the bill.

Lofgren said the data retention requirements are easily avoided because they only apply to “commercial” providers. Criminals would simply go to libraries or Starbucks coffeehouses and use the Web anonymously, she said, while law-abiding Americans would have their activities recorded.

To make it politically difficult to oppose, proponents of the data retention requirements dubbed the bill the Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011, even though the mandatory logs would be accessible to police investigating any crime and perhaps attorneys litigating civil disputes in divorce, insurance fraud, and other cases as well.

“The bill is mislabeled,” said Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the senior Democrat on the panel. “This is not protecting children from Internet pornography. It’s creating a database for everybody in this country for a lot of other purposes.”

So by my ISP storing info on what sites I go to, what my bank account info is, how many pairs of underwear I’ve purchased off ebay, and whatever else they want to keep tabs on is going to keep children safe from people taping their sexcapades? Are we really going to be that fucking stupid to pass such a dumb assed bill? This is data mining, the kind of shit companies like google and spacebook thrive over.

It’s amazing what you can get people to do for you by simply shouting things like “child rape” or “9/11” over and over again. And the sad part here is that there are actual people out there that will think honest to the invisible man in the sky that this law will protect children from pr0n. Give me a fucking break.