Played some L4D1 tonight, then decided to go into Serious Sam HD on a server in France. here’s some footage:
ISP may become big brother…
This just doesn’t sound right.
Internet providers would be forced to keep logs of their customers’ activities for one year—in case police want to review them in the future—under legislation that a U.S. House of Representatives committee approved today.
The 19 to 10 vote represents a victory for conservative Republicans, who made data retention their first major technology initiative after last fall’s elections, and the Justice Department officials who have quietly lobbied for the sweeping new requirements, a development first reported by CNET.
A last-minute rewrite of the bill expands the information that commercial Internet providers are required to store to include customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses, some committee members suggested. By a 7-16 vote, the panel rejected an amendment that would have clarified that only IP addresses must be stored.
It represents “a data bank of every digital act by every American” that would “let us find out where every single American visited Web sites,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, who led Democratic opposition to the bill.
Lofgren said the data retention requirements are easily avoided because they only apply to “commercial” providers. Criminals would simply go to libraries or Starbucks coffeehouses and use the Web anonymously, she said, while law-abiding Americans would have their activities recorded.
To make it politically difficult to oppose, proponents of the data retention requirements dubbed the bill the Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011, even though the mandatory logs would be accessible to police investigating any crime and perhaps attorneys litigating civil disputes in divorce, insurance fraud, and other cases as well.
“The bill is mislabeled,” said Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the senior Democrat on the panel. “This is not protecting children from Internet pornography. It’s creating a database for everybody in this country for a lot of other purposes.”
So by my ISP storing info on what sites I go to, what my bank account info is, how many pairs of underwear I’ve purchased off ebay, and whatever else they want to keep tabs on is going to keep children safe from people taping their sexcapades? Are we really going to be that fucking stupid to pass such a dumb assed bill? This is data mining, the kind of shit companies like google and spacebook thrive over.
It’s amazing what you can get people to do for you by simply shouting things like “child rape” or “9/11” over and over again. And the sad part here is that there are actual people out there that will think honest to the invisible man in the sky that this law will protect children from pr0n. Give me a fucking break.
Not quite out of the woods just yet…
It looks like I’m not quite out of the early mornings just yet. Next week they are giving me more of them. And today sucked so much that I’d rather not go into full detail about it, other than sum it up with “SSDD”.
God this town is fucking boring during the daytime.
Saturday Night Open Thread
The first thing I did today when I came home was read the internet to see if everyone was behaving. Then I plopped on the bed and passed out. On a promising note, it looks like I’ll be re-entering swing shift this Friday. So you’ll see me once on Tuesday evening and then on thurs and fri.
I’ve been reading at the thinking with portals website. I’m thinking of reviewing Portal/Portal 2 maps/campaigns sometime in the near future. Would be a nice change of scenery and since I am reviewing things in core form it would make sense anyway. I’m also using this as an excuse to not review “The Woods 2”.
Goodnight Open Thread
Well, I managed to play some Left 4 Dead before bed (almost sounds like a poem). Got a nice pot of lavender tea to help me hydrate through the night. I’m actually pretty tired from all the running about I did today. Perhaps I’ll get a good rest after all.
Well that sucked…
Well I’m back from the river… Sadly it was too windy and cold to go for a swim. So now I’m back to post the new episode, followed by figure out what to do next.
Open Thread
It’s fogged up a bit in town, but according to the weather service it’s nice and warm up river so I’ll be spending most of my time up there today. As I’m preparing for that I’m also uploading the next episode of YCDTOXB. It should be done by the time I get back. Then I’ll post it over here and at SNews. Probably won’t have anything much for next week though unless I have time to put something together. A vlog at the very least. I don’t want to forget how to render footage. Heck it took me a day just to remember how to construct something from scratch in after effects.
Work was work today. I got a couple extra hours in but nothing exciting to report.
Fun in der sun
Enjoyed myself up river today. Even managed to get a bit of a tan just by intertubing. I think I might go back up there tomorrow for some more fun. Gotta absorb that sunshine while it’s actually here!
Wow… I must have jinxed myself this morning.
Got off early. Which I don’t mind at all considering it’s another nice sunny day. I plan on going up river in the afternoon and doing a few other things until then.
I had an older lady ask me today if the vanilla bean yogurt tasted like vanilla. My brain kinda shut down for some reason. Kinda like when Lewis Black did his skit about the woman that said “If it weren’t for my horse I wouldn’t have spent that year in college”. So the only thing I could think to say was “Yeah.” Which must have been a good answer because she thanked me and said I was very helpful.
It’s gonna be a loooong week.
6 days straight of getting up at the crack of dawn… It was hard enough to pry my ass out of bed this morning. The next 5 are gonna suck balls. Oh well… Hopefully we’re still going up river after work. Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get out on time today. But if it’s been anything like the last couple of weeks, probably not… It’s good though because I am making a little extra, but it still gets somewhat annoying.