The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Dragon Wings At Twilight

Got my weekly dose of Spyro out of the way! I spent a good few hours getting through the Summer Forest World.

The difficulty curve has really ramped up compared to last week’s excursion. I had to redo one of the speedway maps more times than I care to remember, and then there was my adventures in the mine cart of DOOM.

I’m pretty sure I spent almost an hour trying to get it right, but eventually I prevailed and collected all of the METAL GEARS.

Once again it was a nice escape for the evening! I gained a few achievements, and moved the plot along enough now that I’ll move onto something else tomorrow night.


Been playing MGS a bit on and off today, and in between my deck and desktop. I just finished chatting it up with Meryl before calling it a night, funnily enough I had the old disc case in easy reach for getting her number. 🙂

I also forgot how fun the VR missions could be! Today I got through all the Sneak Practice levels, and just started SOCOM training. This should come in handy as a fun break time distraction during my future lunch breaks.

Read Any Good Books Lately?

We did a better job this time around of not dying and getting lost in the Underdark. We finished our fighting, and went topside to the Gnome Camp to take care of some unfinished business, messed around with different strategies, and maaaaaybe a little bit of reloading.

We played for a good couple of hours. Ended the night by actually ending the evening in game. Next time we go to play we’ll be rested and refreshed, just as our true weekend selves can be. 🙂

Fox On The Run

During the holidays I accumulated quite a few games, as is tradition! Some gifted, some bought. I saw a couple friends purchase Spirit of the North, a calm game where you play as a Fox wandering the landscapes of Iceland. You follow the spirit of the northern lights, and eventually become intertwined with her magic and energy. The visual quality is just as breathtaking as the calming musical score that follows you throughout your journey.

By using her powers you can open up new areas, and eventually gain more abilities from gaining a howl that can purify evil ragweed tendrils, and spiritual power that allows you to leave your body to explore places you normally couldn’t traverse.

I’ve decided to leave off on Chapter 4 for now. There wasn’t much to the game itself, but if you like to wander and take in beautiful scenery it’s definitely worth a play, if only to unwind. My only complaints so far are the inability to cloud save, and sometimes the controls show their clunkiness. But I’m already a couple hours again, and I know that I’ll be returning to it again sometime soon. 🙂

And So It Ends… For Now.

Decided to end tonight by completing The Black Labyrinth! Truly a stunning DLC from start to finish, just as beautiful and crazy as the base game. It was so much fun to come back and play AMID EVIL again! I’ll need to return to it someday to obtain one more achievement to once again 100% the game. It gives me an excuse to go back and find the secrets I missed the first time. 🙂

If they made another DLC campaign for this, or even a sequel I’d happily look forward to it. The amount of imagination that went into crafting these levels is far beyond stunning. It’s always a mix of joy and sadness when I finally finish a game with an actual ending.

Lucky for me I have plenty of other ones to try and finish! 😛 What will the weekend bring me? Only a goodnight’s rest and one more day of hell will get me there.

The Final Challenge Awaits… Next Time

Ventured deeper into AMID EVIL’s Black Labyrinth this evening. Made it a couple levels further, and even scored an achievement for reaping 10 souls with the scythe, I’m getting really close to 100% again on achievements! I’m also well poised for next time:

On the otherside of that open door a challenge awaits me. I was hoping to get this wrapped up tonight but juuuuuuust ran out of time. I might consider wrapping up the challenge tomorrow night.

Assuming I don’t get lost looking in the level for secrets. 😛

Can Cross “Defeated Giant Spider” Off My To Do List

I can’t remember the last time I harnessed the powers of light and dark during my lunch break, but that’s what I did today. This was a game that I started last year but have yet to finish like the many other titles awaiting me on the Backlog Mountains.

For lunch I had a beef and vegetable soup, and a side of Outland with an extra helping of Spider Boss. They call her The Mother of eyes, she for certain was a Mother to defeat. I wasn’t successful during lunch, but I did manage to finish the battle tonight after a nice shower and some tea at my side. Next time I play I’ll have new territory to cover!

I’m thinking for tomorrow evening I’ll take a break from video stuff. I did a lot of that over the weekend to prepare my latest YouTube release, and I’m thinking about finishing up one of the games I’m close to ending.. just need to figure out what one. 😛

Vibrant Gaming Thread

Having a gay ol’ time tonight.

I actually jumped around between a couple of games tonight! I started with The Game Of Life just to see how the digital version works. I’m thinking of getting a few together to play a couch co-op session, assuming we all have good internets. It was nice to get a good practice run in, it’ll help prepare me for a future session!

Then I finished off the rest of the evening with some Ex-Zodiac! I finally found one of the missing data chips and made it to Level 3 security access! This one took a few tries to even get to the end boss battle, it was pretty brutal. When I did finally make it to the end though I was rewarded with an A Rank…

Of course, it wasn’t all fun and games. I did sift through some video footage for anything with potential, and instead deleted a little over an hours worth of footage that won’t really serve me anything. Freed up plenty of time to unwind with some tea and a little more gaming than usual. I’m thinking of looking over some of the footage for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, haven’t touched that in awhile.

Ending My Evening In The Outland

Other than last night’s Baldur’s Gate 3 session I’ve mostly been gaming on the Steam Deck this weekend. Yesterday I stayed warm in bed and played a bit of Metal Gear Solid, and tonight I returned to Outland! It’s been awhile since I’ve touched this one, but I made up for it by finishing a couple boss battles and even gaining the ability to charge into things. I still need to obtain the launch pad feature. Once I do that I’ll backtrack and see what I’ve missed.